Matthew 10:31 Fear Not He Watches Over You


Matthew 10:31 “Fear ye not therefore, ye are of more value than many sparrows.”

This is the third time in six verses that Jesus has said the words, “Fear not,” while instructing His disciples on the cost of discipleship. It is indeed quite costly–it would cost them all their lives. He reminds these men they are important to Him, and in this verse he uses the common sparrow as His illustration. A sparrow is of the Passerine genus of birds. Familiar worldwide and used to represent the common, the vulgar, the lewd. (Wikipedia). Yet, these feathered friends have found their way into the writings of Scripture and Shakespeare. These birds are abundant and seen as expendable. However, they are vital to the control of insects, spreading of seeds, have a sweet song, and were used by the poorest as a sacrifice, costing a mere quarter of a penny for two. Lepers would purchase these as part of their cleansing ritual. One sparrow was sacrificed and the other was dipped in the blood of the one sacrificed and set free, signifying the release of the condemnation. This is what Jesus meant when He said not one sparrow falls without the Father’s knowledge. (Matthew 10:29)

A Sparrow’s Song

Jesus words, “you are more valuable than a many sparrows.” Does our Savior know us or what? How many of us feel worthy of love, belonging, connection, forgiveness? At some point in life we all have felt the sting of unworthiness, not enough-ness, being unlovable, having no value in this world. The lie from the pit. The truth of Scripture is: “You were created a little lower than the angels and crowned with glory and honor; created in God’s image (Hebrew 2:7, Psalms 8:5-9, Genesis 1:6).

The song, His Eye is on the Sparrow, is especially meaningful if you really listen to its words:

His Eye is on the Sparrow by Lauryn Hill and Tanya Blount

Why should I be discouraged and why should the shadows come?
Why should my heart be lonely and long for heaven and home?
When Jesus is my portion, a constant Friend is He,
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.

Let not your heart be troubled; these tender words I hear;
And resting on his goodness I lose my doubts and fears;
Though by the path He leadeth but one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me

Whenever I am tempted; whenever clouds arise;
When songs give place to sighing; when hope within me dies;
I draw the closer to Him; from care He sets me free;
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.
His eye is on the sparrow and I know He watches me.


I sing because I’m happy;
I sing because I’m free;
His eye is on the sparrow
And I know He watches me…

You ARE His beautiful creation. You are valuable. He is watching over you! He does not see you as disposable, outcast, common, vulgar, or lewd. He sees you as priceless, made in His image, worth the price of redemption-all that He had.

Jesus reminder to us is this: Yes, following Him is going to require much sacrifice, but if He watches over a sparrow, then we can be assured He will watch over our lives for we are VALUABLE to Him. These words resonated in the hearts of these men so much that both Matthew, the tax collector, and Luke, the physician, recorded them! Words they could not forget,,,,,,,,. Good news to share with the world. Should we do less?

Treading in His sight,


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About Yvonne Jones

I am at heart, a LIFEguard: "big" sister, mama, grandmother, aunt, friend, swimming coach, lifeguard trainer, and registered nurse. I am in the business of alleviating fear through education and lots of hand holding. As a swimming instructor, I have taught people of all ages to overcome fear of the water and I marvel as fear gives way to fearlessness, as panic turns to pure joy, as tears dissolve into giggles of glee, and pennies retrieved from the bottom of the abyss become trophies. As a nurse, I have been privileged to walk up to Heaven's gate as patients and family are welcomed home, witnessed the miracle of birth, helped mend broken hearts, and cared for the elderly as they wait. Scriptures number one admonition is "fear not." Question is HOW??? The Word becomes our swimming instructor and can help us learn to "tread water til Jesus comes." Something my students often thought I was going to make them do! So welcome to my pool! Jump in the cool water. Let it refresh your soul and feel the unseen hands of the Master Lifeguard lift you up and out of the deep water. Who knows, you just might even walk on water!

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