Calling All Encouragers!!

I Am The Sticky Note Queen!

I have posted notes all over my desk…..

Ask anyone who has ever been in my office.

They are all pretty much reminders…Reminders of work that I need to do, work that I have done, work that I am doing. Not all of them are about work….Some of them are scriptures that I can glance at when I need that “pick me up”, some are words of encouragement that others have given me, some are pictures that Patrick Clark (Maw Maw’s heart) drew me just to make me smile.

One of the notes is placed where I read it almost every day. It was given to me by a precious lady at a time when life seemed so very dark, so very hopeless. I didn’t have to share with her what was going on, she just knew I needed encouragement that day.

I feel as though I am supposed to share those words of encouragement to someone today….

“Remember when it looks & feels the darkest is when we are on the verge of a major breakthrough.”

“Don’t give up, Don’t stop believing & walking out in Faith”

She has no idea how many times I have read that note….

Are you an Encourager?

Maybe God is nudging you to encourage someone today.

We live in a world that is full of hurting, lonely, fearful people.

The “God Thing is”…..As I was working on this blog…..

She (My Encourager) dropped by ….Why?…..She said she felt like she needed to just come by and see about me.

I needed that hug today too!!!

So if nothing else, while we are “Treading this water till Jesus Comes”……

I hope someone out there finds out….

Jesus Loves You….He longs to have a personal relationship with you….He will encourage you through Himself, His Word, Other People, A Worship Song, His Creation,….the list goes on and on.

Believe Me…..This Life can be full of pain

But Jesus is much greater than our pain.

Luke 1:37 ~ Nothing is impossible for God!

Psalm 5:3 ~ Listen to my voice in the morning, Lord. Each morning I bring my requests to you and wait expectantly.



One thought on “Calling All Encouragers!!

  1. Tricia

    Sitting here with tears running down my face, you are my encourager today. Thanks for your caring words.


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