Deep Waters

So your first thought is……She hasn’t surfaced in a few weeks.

Your thoughts are correct.

I guess you could say….I’ve been under the water. At times I would find myself going deeper and deeper. I felt on some days like I may drown.

You see ladies, sometimes when we read blogs like “Treading Water till Jesus Comes,” we assume these ladies who write and blog have a perfect life.

You know……”All is well, they don’t have the problems I have.” “They don’t know what it is to feel the pain of what I have gone through.” “Sure they can blog and write for Jesus….”

I can assure you…..We are all real moms, real grandmothers, real sisters, with REAL problems, REAL pains.

As I was drowning these last several weeks with some of those real problems & pains, I could have kept going further into the deep. So far until I reached that feeling of hopelessness. (Right where the enemy loves for a person to get) One of my “Treading Sisters” picked up on my drowning….she sent encouraging scripture. She prayed for me. She prayed when I couldn’t.

I started feeling my “Life Jacket” (Jesus) embrace me and start pulling me up out of the deep waters. He had me start diving into His Word to soothe my aching heart. He pulled me up into His arms giving me strength to move forward. He wiped those tears and assured me….I’ve got the pen in my hand; I’m writing the story of those you are so concerned about.

I’m not just “Treading Water” thinking…… “Well, I hope I make it……. Is Jesus here yet?

I’m Diving into His Word, Clinging to the Promises of God, Trusting His story for my family.

Is it easy….No.everyday He takes out the Heavenly Sandpaper and sands a little here and sands a little there.

Maybe there is someone reading this right now who has lost hope. Your life is not like you had it planned out at all. Maybe you have a child that is breaking your heart. Maybe your life is spinning out control. Maybe you are allowing a substance to control your life.

Maybe you __________________ (fill in the blank) and you don’t know what to do……

Just Say Jesus….When you don’t know what to pray…Just say Jesus.

P.S. Right in the middle of this storm….the Lord sent a gift….a new grandson….Isn’t God Awesome?

Psalm 62: 5-8

My soul, wait in silence for God only.
For my hope is from Him.
He only is my Rock and my Salvation.
My stronghold; I shall not be shaken.
On God my salvation and my glory rest;
The Rock of my strength, my refuge is in God.
Trust in Him at all times people;
Pour out your heart before Him;
God is a refuge for us.


Praying & Trusting,

One thought on “Deep Waters

  1. Beth Brown

    Thank you for sharing your heart. God is touching lives through you ladies!! Congratulations on that new grandson!


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