Because of Christ, I Fear Not (#48)

Footprints in the Sand by Leona Lewis

Isaiah 54:14 “In righteousness shalt thou be established: thou shalt be far from oppression; for thou shalt not fear: and from terror; for it shall not come near thee.” (KJV)

In Christ

It is when we are in Christ, knowing our eternity is secure, we find ourselves handling oppression, FEAR, and anything that would otherwise terrorize us (like the thought of hell or living through hell on earth). It is then we come to comprehend that we can endure but we cannot be harmed. Somehow, even while enduring oppression, terror, and fear we are insulated from the full effects on our minds, and spirits. Because we know we are covered by the love of God, through Christ. I can stand strong because of Christ.

No Fear in Christ

Death and hell have no victory. Despite overwhelming heartache even at this very moment, with gaping holes in our souls, we remain secure. However, we are being carried by the ONE who knows the way through the icy darkness. We are sheltered safely in His arms. This is being established in righteousness, His righteousness. This is protection from oppression, fear, and terror. These menacing trials cannot come near enough to harm me.

We Will Not Fear by Bethany Barr Phillips

Trials remain, they are part of life

I wish this verse meant I would not have ANY oppression, fear, or terror. It does not. Scripture tells us “in this world you WILL have tribulation.” (John 16:33) There is a time for everything under heaven: a time to be born, a time to die; a time to build, and a time to tear down; (Ecclesiastes 3:1-15

Turn, Turn, Turn by The Birds

(bet you didn’t know that 70’s music quoted Scripture!)

We tend to learn more from trials than times of ease. Sad but true.

But this we know: They that wait upon the Lord…….(Isaiah 40:28-31)


Buoyed even in icy waters and darkness,


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About Yvonne Jones

I am at heart, a LIFEguard: "big" sister, mama, grandmother, aunt, friend, swimming coach, lifeguard trainer, and registered nurse. I am in the business of alleviating fear through education and lots of hand holding. As a swimming instructor, I have taught people of all ages to overcome fear of the water and I marvel as fear gives way to fearlessness, as panic turns to pure joy, as tears dissolve into giggles of glee, and pennies retrieved from the bottom of the abyss become trophies. As a nurse, I have been privileged to walk up to Heaven's gate as patients and family are welcomed home, witnessed the miracle of birth, helped mend broken hearts, and cared for the elderly as they wait. Scriptures number one admonition is "fear not." Question is HOW??? The Word becomes our swimming instructor and can help us learn to "tread water til Jesus comes." Something my students often thought I was going to make them do! So welcome to my pool! Jump in the cool water. Let it refresh your soul and feel the unseen hands of the Master Lifeguard lift you up and out of the deep water. Who knows, you just might even walk on water!

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