Hammock by the River





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Do you ever have trouble clearing your head of the “chatter” that continuously babbles on and on? Most people do! Do you want to hear God’s voice above all others? Then this book may help you understand how as Christians we can slow down those ugly little comments that keep you and me from being all God wants us to be!

Steve Furtick gives us the “how to’s” to extinguish those pesky fiery darts that comes from the enemy. The author uses 4 statements to de-fuse Satan’s tactics.

  1. God says I am.
  2. God says He will
  3. God says He has
  4. God says I can.

I don’t say it is the easiest journey but in the long run, we will be more secure in the faith and be more valuable to the work God’s called us to do. You will gain insights to God’s truths by learning to use His Word to battle the enemy.

This book may be a good one to do as a small group. We must be united against a common enemy! Let’s get free of our insecurities and move on to hear God’s voice above all others.

You will want to bring along a highlighter to make notes in this one.

Happy Reading.

Freda Reynolds

P.S. Taking a breather this week. I hope you enjoy the book.

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