The Winnowing Process


We didn’t have wheat and grain growing on our farm to experience the threshing and winnowing process. But, Daddy and Mama would have us to pick any peas or beans that had began to dry on the vine. They were picked and separated from the green ones, spread out on one end of our long country porch, and allowed to dry in the sun. Everyday, we would turn them over until they were completely dry; then, they were put in croaker sacks.

Each of us younger children would take turns beating the sack with a broom. When the threshing was complete, the seeds would be revealed but, they were mixed with a lot of debris. Mama would spread out several of her older handmade quilts in a grassy area then, we would take small pans and fill with the peas or bean mixture. Choosing a windy day, we would toss it into the air over the quilts and watch the wind blow away the lighter mixture separating the debris from the peas or beans.

Another word for the debris is “chaff” which is the outer shell or husks of the peas and beans. When the winnowing process was over, there would only be the pure peas or beans left. These seeds were stored in containers where they would stay dry, and not be eaten by any bugs. Occasionally Mama would soak and cook some for our meals; but, most of the time they were put up until the next planting season.

This scripture so describes the “threshing and winnowing process” that the Lord has been applying in my life lately.

“We are hard pressed on every side, but, not crushed;
(we are) perplexed, but, not in despair;
(we are) persecuted, but, not abandoned;
(we are) struck down, but, not destroyed”

“We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus,

so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in us.”

“For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that His life may be revealed in our mortal body.”

“So then, death is at work in us, but, life is at work in you.” (2 Cor. 4:8-11)

When we are being hit from every side during the storms of our lives, we must always remember that “our Mighty God is in control” of us and the storms. He alone is able to work in the depths of our hearts thru the circumstances that He allows to touch us. He knows full well what He longs to see pouring out of every cell of each of us –

“more and more of His Son, Jesus.”

About a month ago, the Lord began to speak into my spirit saying,

“Remember, I work in seasons and yours is coming to an end, soon“ !!!

Can you even imagine how happy this made me? This had been an extremely long season, over six months.

Oh, if you only knew how many times the Father has spoken into my heart saying,

“Press on” – “Never give up” – “Fight on“ !!!

“Not that I have already attained all this, or have been made perfect,
But, I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me . . . . .
Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead,
I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” (Philipians 3:13-14)

Encouraged to press on,

Tricia Cook

Mandisa – Press On

One thought on “The Winnowing Process

  1. Beth Brown

    Jesus truly shines through you even in the tough times. I pray that this difficult season will soon be replaced with a season of joy, peace , and health for you and your family. ❤️?


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