Being Shaped by the Potter’s Hands


Our Father leads each of us on spiritual journeys, some are extremely painful. They are always profitable in shaping our lives to be more like Jesus. The Father has referred to His relationship with us as like the potter’s to his lump of clay.

When He instructed Jeremiah to go down to the potter’s house and observe how he worked with the clay,

He asked “……Can I not do with you as this potter? Just as the clay is in the potter’s hand, so are you in mine.” (Jeremiah 18:6)

Each of us can fight the shaping and molding of the Lord and receive a warning from the Lord.

WOE to him or her who quarrels with his Maker. Does the broken clay chards on the ground have the right to question the potter?”? (Isaiah 45:9)

Or, we can yield to Him and his plans by praying the following prayer:

“ ………. I am like a broken vessel ..…… But, I have trusted in Thee, Oh Lord: “ You are my God “. My times are in your hands ……..” (Psalm 33:12-15)

“Oh, Lord, ‘You are my Father.’ We are the clay, You are the potter;
we are the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:8)

The Lord has to do a new special work inside each of us before He can minister through us in new ways. Old things have to be broken off of us, laid aside, so new things can be developed. We never come out of the painful breaking and shaping without major changes for our good and others good, also. The Lord assures us that the –

“’The glory of this present house will be greater than the glory of the latter house,’ says the Lord Almighty. ‘And in this place I will grant peace,’ declares the Lord Almighty.”(Haggai 2:9)

(I encourage you, as you watch and listen to this video, to see yourself as that lump of clay, and those hands as the Father’s shaping you, as the most beautiful and useful vessel of honor for His Kingdom’s work.)

Love you and so thankful for His shaping,

Tricia Cook

Chorus as a prayer :
Take me, and mold me, use me, fill me.
I give my life to the Potter’s Hands.
Call me, guide me, lead me, walk beside me.
I give my life to the Potter’s Hand.

One thought on “Being Shaped by the Potter’s Hands

  1. Beth Brown

    This one really touched my heart!!
    On the back side of ” my storms” I can see how God has used them to bring me joy and open my eyes to even small things He orchestrating in my life!! Got a lot more molding to be done!!! He is using this ministry to help mold many hearts and lives! Bless you Trish!!


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