My Christmas Prayer


Lord, Father in Heaven,

I bow at your throne in overwhelming gratitude for the gift of Jesus to the world. I thank you He lives and reigns because He was obedient unto death and saved mankind from self-destruction. He came as a baby, lived as a human among us experiencing ALL we encounter and yet without one single cross word, bad attitude, or act of disobedience. THIS is why He was the perfect Lamb of God.

My prayer this Christmas is for those who come to this wee blog, to find Jesus in every word written, every song played, every picture presented, and every prayer offered. Lord, reach out to a hurting world through the simple words, shared to help another soul survive. These are not our words but the Words of Life from Heaven’s gift to man.


In the coming year, grow our readers as a tree grows, slow, steady, straight, reaching upward toward the One who alone can produce the harvest of others coming to the Kingdom. May we decrease as you increase.

Give us the courage in the year to come, to honestly answer the question: “What would I do if I knew no one would ever complain, criticize, or condemn my actions or if I knew I would not fail?” When we have the answer may we not hesitate to do what You created us to do.

Bless our faithful readers in the coming year as they spread the message of hope in a world filled with much hurt, heartache, and fear. Help us as a community recognize our brokenness is where Your love gets in and then radiates back out into the realm of our influence. Lord, thank you for filling our “soul holes with Your God glory!”

Most Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for Jesus: His birth, His life, His example, His sacrifice, His resurrection power and His Holy Spirit.

I lift this prayer in HIs name,

Let it be so.

Yvonne Jones


Veritas –The Lord’s Prayer


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About Yvonne Jones

I am at heart, a LIFEguard: "big" sister, mama, grandmother, aunt, friend, swimming coach, lifeguard trainer, and registered nurse. I am in the business of alleviating fear through education and lots of hand holding. As a swimming instructor, I have taught people of all ages to overcome fear of the water and I marvel as fear gives way to fearlessness, as panic turns to pure joy, as tears dissolve into giggles of glee, and pennies retrieved from the bottom of the abyss become trophies. As a nurse, I have been privileged to walk up to Heaven's gate as patients and family are welcomed home, witnessed the miracle of birth, helped mend broken hearts, and cared for the elderly as they wait. Scriptures number one admonition is "fear not." Question is HOW??? The Word becomes our swimming instructor and can help us learn to "tread water til Jesus comes." Something my students often thought I was going to make them do! So welcome to my pool! Jump in the cool water. Let it refresh your soul and feel the unseen hands of the Master Lifeguard lift you up and out of the deep water. Who knows, you just might even walk on water!

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