Anatomical Precision

The human body is the definition of a “well-oiled machine. The perfection is unfathomable. For most people, anatomy is something people study and try to explain, but even still some of the organs and body functions remain unknown no matter how much we study, yet look at how perfectly the organs work. For example, the brain signals every function we do; it enables us to speak, to hear, to move, to think, and to make memories. The heart pumps blood to organs and circulates it back around, to oxygenate the blood and start the cycle over. The entire gastric system completely breaks down food and gives nutrients to the the entire body and so much more. There are still so many unknown facts regarding anatomy too, such as the appendix; we have no real idea as to what it’s true function is. There are also so meg any diseases we have no idea how to fight. This is the mysterious and precise aspect of anatomy.

However, we could not ever function the way we do, if the human body was never created. There is no explanation for the way the human body could have ever been created or designed by anyone other than the Creator. He designed the most perfect and precise system and body for all of creation. We are created in His image. The most perfect image is in His Son Jesus Christ.

We, as a creation, are to honor God, and His personal creation: To treat our perfect image as a temple, where He reigns. He should fill our heart with the same perfection He instilled in our anatomy and His Son: His Son, he sent to die on the cross to take our sins (which exemplifies spiritual disease) and wash away all the physical disease and any necrotic tissue the disease affects. Salvation is spiritual, but also physical in a sense. God cleanses our spirit so we can serve Him and His kingdom, but also physically by allowing us to not suffer and to have medicine, surgery, and most importantly prayer for one another which is the most powerful drug.

1 Corinthians 6:19 “Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; 20 you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

To sum this up, look at the anatomy — your physical view of the perfection of God and His creation. Look at medicine, surgical precision, and innovation as physical perfection God instilled in man to think and to worship Him in work that helps others, but can also provide a longer life to even give more of opportunities to the unsaved. Now use your mind to think, serve God with your body, which is His temple: Reach out to those who need it and don’t deserve it. Reach out to the sick, the poor, the helpless, the heartless, the martyrs, the executioners, the brothers, but more than anyone the enemies.

Studying to share,

Karly Mims

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