WELCOME Paula Wallace

Painting by Paula Wallace
“They heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day” Genesis 3:8a (NASB)
Walking with my granddaughter is such a special time. We walked to the pier at my house. There was a dragonfly caught in a spiderweb. It was still fluttering, struggling to get out of the web. I began to pull the web from the wings of the dragonfly. As I did, I was talking to the dragonfly to help comfort and calm it or so I imagined.
My granddaughter, Emma, said “you talk to a dragonfly?” “Yes, I do”, was my response. I told her I talk to bugs, frogs, 2 dogs, a kitten and 5 chickens. I even talk to shrubbery and flowers sometimes.
My chickens know my voice and when they hear me they come running to stand at my feet. We walk together while they chatter and seek bugs while I talk. They find comfort and safety in my presence.
At the same time, my mind reflects on Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They walked and talked with God. I’m certain they greatly anticipated His visit and enjoyed their time together. God found great pleasure in His companionship with them.
Consequently, I must ask the question, do I talk to God? Does God speak to me? Do I listen? The Bible tells us God talks through the Holy Spirit to His followers. Are you listening? Are you obeying?
God loves us just as we are. He longs for that relationship with us. Return to Him – talk to Him – seek His direction and obey!
Are you talking?
Selah In the Garden
Paula Wallace
Great message! Can relate to grandchildren walks leading to messages from God! Your art is amazing! Thankful that you are joining the team!
God bless!! 💕🙏💕
What a beautiful painting! God has gifted you with many talents!