Blessing of the Almighty
The Things I Didn’t Want
“In this you rejoice, though now for a little while, if necessary, you have been grieved by various trials, 7 so that the tested genuineness of your faith—more precious than gold that perishes though it is tested by fire—may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.” 1 Peter 1:6-7 (ESV)
Sometimes life doesn’t make sense
We are continuing Francis Chan’s, “Greater Than” film study in my bible study class. In Day 2, Francis Chan gives us some insight into his childhood. To say he has experienced heartbreak would be an understatement. His mother died giving birth to him. His dad remarried and for a few years, he had a stepmom. His stepmom died in a car accident and then by the age of 12, Francis loses his dad to cancer. He explains in the film study, “This doesn’t make sense.” https://nextstepministries.com/films/
Things I didn’t want
To some level, I can relate to Francis Chan on loss. I certainly have not experienced the same as him. I lost my mom when she was 48. This was my first devastating experience. I had no idea to handle this or how to help my oldest son, Nick, through the loss of his “Gram,” who was such a tremendous part of his life. It was hard. As so many of us do, I have also experienced problems in my marriage that were tough. Almost losing a son and then watching him struggle at everything he did, well, I don’t think a word has been invented for that one yet. Seeing your children go through the most difficult times of their lives does something to a mom. These are “the things I didn’t want.”
Thinking differently, finding God
Francis Chan said something in his Day 2 film that struck me and is exactly what happened to me and so many of us. He said all of the things that happened to him in his life caused him to think differently and caused him to find God. Not during this time, but later on in life, he realized what a blessing it was to experience all he did at such a young age because it caused him to find God. https://nextstepministries.com/films/
Thinking Differently. Clinging to God
It is really difficult to find the blessings in the middle of what we all are going through. It was devastating to lose my mom but now I see that I received blessings also. I grew up much faster and became a different person. It made me question a lot and look for answers. Going through problems in my marriage made me cling to God. Almost losing a son and watching him fight to get his life back, has also been full of blessings also. I have experienced what Francis Chan talks about. All of “the things I didn’t want” caused me to think differently and not to think like the world does.
So look back on all the times you have encountered the things you didn’t want to happen in your life. Sift through those events in your life and I am certain you will find many blessings that flowed out of it.
“16 Rejoice always, 17 pray without ceasing, 18 give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (ESV)
Counting My Blessing,
Susan Browder
It was sad watching Susan suffer through her trials. I often wonder as a mother-in-law did I do enough. Probably not but I did watch her become wiser through each trial. I know she loves God and her family and does whatever it takes to conquer her fears. I thank God each day He helped her overcome her problems and has made her the perfect God-loving wife for my son, mother to my grandchildren, and in late summer a beloved grandmother. Thank you God for all of my blessings
Linda Browder