God Will Give You Something To Say


Bible God’s Word Christian Faith

God Will Give You Something To Say

“But he answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” Matthew 4:4 (ESV)

God will always give you something to say at just the right moment. Have you ever had something come out of your mouth and regretted it? I believe we have all been there. For instance, anger, fear, or anxiety probably took over at that moment. As we all live and learn, hopefully we finally all figure out the main ingredient needed to guide us. We need God everyday of our lives just as we need food daily.  

The Holy Spirit always gives us something to say. Sometimes our words can be full of wisdom for someone. Or we speak from experience and give another person a warning of what could come. Then at times, the Holy Spirit gives us nothing to say. That’s when we know to be quiet, just listen to what the other person is saying, or just be there and sit with them. Whatever the situation, if we pray for God to give us something to say, you can bet he will lay it right in the middle of our hearts.

“And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual.” 1 Corinthians 2:13 (ESV)

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Another post by Susan Browder




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About Susan Browder

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”  Hebrews 11:1 I grew up in a small town in Alabama called Boligee. I am a wife and a mom to two sons, Nick who is 24 and married to his sweet wife, Mallory, and Jacob who is 18.  My husband, Nicky, is a person of who I am so proud. Our lives changed forever on September 6, 2014 about 7:00 pm. Our son, Jacob, had an accident that would deeper our faith in God and challenge us in ways we never dreamed. My prayer is that our story will encourage others in their struggles with life altering experiences. My writing will be our testimonies but more than that it is about how we have a loving, caring God that carries us through the most difficult times of our lives.

One thought on “God Will Give You Something To Say

  1. Beth Brown

    This is so true!! I love your messages that help up through our daily walk . His Word is so useful if we would just live by it!!! God bless you and your family!


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