Where I’m going


“Where I’m going” Home in Heaven

Yes, he’s gone, our precious son, Darren, went home to heaven to be with the Lord almost 2 years ago.  It doesn’t seem at all possible, only last night I woke up crying and missing him so much. I still find myself wanting to call him and catch up on his day. Each day I long to hear his sweet voice and to listen to that chuckle he had that wasn’t like any other.   When dealing with cancer, chemo, and radiation, there were bad days when he would answer you with short, little harsh words.  But, I expect each of us do the same when our lives are difficult, even though, we aren’t dealing with the same things he was. I knew that sometime later, after he had had a nap and rested that He would call me to apologize and say he was sorry.   He could not stand that he might have hurt me in any way.  Darren had such a good, kind, and loving heart.

Good talks

We had many long talks throughout the 3 years of his sickness. One of the sweetest  talks we had was one Sunday night.   He was living with us  because he could no longer care for himself and Gabby, his youngest daughter.  She and Papa had gone to Walmart to pick up some groceries. Even though his Dad and I had led him in a prayer asking Jesus into his heart when he was 10 or 11, I wanted to make sure there was no doubt in his heart or ours to where he would go when he passed from this life.

(John 17:13) “ And this is life eternal, that that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent “.

Important question

When I asked him, “Son, do you truly know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour?”  A great big smile lit up his beautiful face, and if you knew Darren at all, I’m sure you can remember his smile.  Those sky blue eyes would light up as if the whole world just lit up. He had the broadest smile with pearly white teeth.  I always wanted to wrap him in my arms and hug him real tight. (I still do to this day.) Then, he replied,    “Momma, don’t worry, cause I know where I’m going.  When I take my last breath here, I will be with Jesus, I will be Home!”

(2 Cor. 5:18b)  “To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord.” He continued to tell me that he knew he had asked Jesus into his heart when he was a young boy.  He said there is one thing that he truly regretted and that was not living a life more pleasing to the Lord.  His exact words were “ I truly hate that it has taken this battle with cancer to get my attention and bring me back where I belong.  So, don’t worry Momma!  I will see you again!!!

Questions to ponder
1. Can you say this to your love ones ?  “That I will see you again“
2.Have you made the choice to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour?
3.Are you straddling the fence between believing and trusting Him?
4.Or, are you still going your own way saying, “ I have plenty of time?”  

Do you ? ——- Really ? ——- Do you ?
We are each just one breath away from eternity!!!  
(Eph.6:2c) says “…behold,  NOW IS THE DAY OF SALVATION.“

A short time after this conversation, Darren told me, “Momma, I’m tired; I want to go home!!!”  Two  weeks later, he breathed his last breath here on earth.  But, praise God, his “ Eternal Home with the Lord “ was just beginning.

                                                                         See you soon, Son,
                                                                         Love you forever,
                                                                          Momma ( Tricia Cook )

further reading:


One thought on “Where I’m going

  1. Beth Brown

    My heart breaks for you and your family, but I am thankful for your closeness with Darren so you could help him through his illness. He was a precious soul , and your faith through the ordeal has strengthened many. Gabby is an amazing young lady and blessed to have you and Buddie. May God bless you with precious memories and comfort you daily until you meet again. Love you all. Thank you Jesus for giving us an eternal home. 🙏♥️♥️♥️🙏


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