Abounding in God’s grace

God's Grace


Abounding in Grace

2 Corinthians 9:8 New American Standard Bible (NASB)  8 And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed;

God’s Grace

The last couple of months I’ve had to pause and think about whether I am letting God’s grace abound in me! I don’t usually display my own sins publicly but today I am. Not long ago my dear husband and I had a very lively discussion. You know the kind. It was the kind my daughter says I begin to look like a whirlwind, arms flinging, fingers pointing, face distortion, and hair swishing. The “I told you” kind of lively discussion. It is U-G-L-Y!

Grace shown to others

But wait, let me tell you about my dear husband. For the most part, he is quiet, loving, and non-confronting. He doesn’t do big showy things but he likes to do small things like cleaning out the toaster oven when I’m not around. (Probably just to see if I notice.)

My Grace not so pretty

But back to my confession. I can’t even remember why we were having the discussion that had brought out the worst in me! All of my actions up to now are bad, even sinful, but my next words were what cut me to the quick. “Why don’t you EVER _____ whatever! I turn to look at him and I saw a little boy who was hurt by the scolding I had just delivered over something so insignificant I can’t even remember what it was about.

God’s Spirit Reminds us of His Grace to Us

There! Whew! Confession is good for the soul. Yes, Wait! What! It was a silent voice in my spirit. “ My child, have I not shown you grace upon grace?” Yes, Lord I believe you have. “ Why have you not shown grace to the one you love?

Study of Grace

Thus began my study of what it means to walk in the abundant grace of God. A grace that is given “so that always having all sufficiency in everything, you may have an abundance for every good deed.”

Lessons learned:

  1. Remember God is in every conversation we have as His children
  2. There is a reason why our mouth, our speech is like a forest fire consuming all around.
  3. God’s grace is available. We just have to call for help when we need him.


https://youtu.be/IJNR0lxbIP4  Matt Redman  Gracefully Broken

Struggling in the deep water Again.

Freda Reynolds

Persistence Needed to Walk in Grace

Persistent is my word this year: Continuing to do something no matter how difficult it may be. “continuing firmly or obstinately in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. continuing to exist or endure over a prolonged period.”

Father God,

Thank you for your grace. Help us to appropriate your grace in the lives of those we meet.

For further reading available here: https://www.treadingwatertiljesuscomes.com/2018/03/29/experiencing-the-resurrection-and-the-life/

“ Experiencing the Resurrection and the Life “

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