The Cords of Affection


“Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.” James 5:16

Revival – Friends Cords of affection

“I went to a tent revival and asked for prayer for my daughter. After praying for her, the evangelist said ‘you don’t need to worry about her, she will be fine.”

During the time of my daughter’s illness, there were numerous people praying for her for which I am very grateful. One such person was Glenna Drinkard whose faith in Jesus Christ has been secretly admired by me for many years. Glenna went to a revival and stood in for my daughter while they anointed her with oil and prayed.


In Houston, I believe on the same day, we had our first day of chemotherapy. The doctors planned to give her chemotherapy for five days every sixth week for two years. Late that evening, we went to the children’s playroom to watch the others play. Until now, our daughter hadn’t shown any interest in playing or any activities. That night she asked me if she could get down and play. Obviously, my husband and I were surprised. She slid out of my lap and stepped on her Catheter cord and immediately got back in my lap. We had not seen such interest in activities from her in several weeks.


The next morning my husband and I asked the doctor if one day of chemo could make a difference in how our daughter felt. The doctor, my god, said “no, one day would not affect her health.” After the week of chemo, we were finally able to go home. Glenna visited that next week with her news. Was what she said real? Could it be true that our daughter would be fine? Who is this God that could possibly heal?

So many questions and thoughts were going through my mind.


The following five weeks our daughter gained weight, regained her strength and lost her hair. She played and began acting like a normal two year old. However, the diagnosis that she was dying still loomed large in my mind.

No evidence of cancer

Eventually, time came for us to return to MD Anderson for tests and the next round of chemotherapy. After the tests, the doctor sat down to consult with us. The doctor said, “The test results showed that your daughter’s cancer is 95% gone.”

My husband and I looked at each other, and I asked, “What does that mean exactly?”

Her response was that it meant they found no evidence of cancer! Sweet words to our ears. For the first time in weeks, we had hope for our daughter to recover.

Cords of Affection

In the book, “Secrets of the Secret Place”, the author, Bob Sorge, says, “One of the most profound ways you can love someone is by praying for them. Intercession does something very powerful in the intercessor: it joins the heart of the intercessor to the heart of the one being prayed for. In intercession, you are investing yourself in another person’s life. Our prayers thus become ‘cords of affection’ which bind the hearts of believers to one another, joining the body of Christ together in the greatest of all virtues — love.”

Intercessory Prayer

Since, everyone is struggling with some sort of pain. We, as a body of believers, are commissioned to pray for each other. Through intercessory prayer, I believe our love grows stronger for each other and God hears our prayers. Is there someone you know that needs your prayers? Maybe there someone in your life that seems to have a hard time with life? Or is there someone God keeps laying on your heart and perhaps for a reason you don’t know? Pray, pray and then pray a while longer. Connect those cords of affection through your prayers for your family, your friends and your church family.

God Loves You

Unfortunately, there are many people that God brings to my mind whose child or loved one was not healed of cancer or a disease. I don’t know why God chose to heal my daughter or why others have not been healed. I do know that God loves you. God sent His son to die for you and me. He sends the Holy Spirit to live within us. The Lord is the Provider. He provides all our needs. I am without words of comfort for you, but I know God can comfort and I am praying for you.


I Timothy 2:1, NKJV, “Therefore, I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men.”

God encourages us to pray for each other. Colossians 1:9 NKJV, “we…do not cease to pray for you…” Paul prayed without ceasing for all people. We are told to pray for our family, friends, church family and enemies. When someone asks you to pray for them, please don’t be negligent. Your prayers are important to them and to God. Intercede for others praying to the Intercessor, Jesus Christ, sitting at the right hand of God.

Paula Wallace

For additional reading :

Joy in Trials?

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About Paula Wallace

A child of God, wife, mother and grandmother of 6 precious children. I love art, nature and treasure my dear friends. Through the valleys and mountaintops, God led me to His saving grace at the age of 32. Since then the valleys and mountaintops have proven His love to me. I am learning to trust Him in all things. My prayer is that you, too, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and trust Him. The Bible verse that I lean on mostly is Proverbs 3: 5-6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.”NKJV Paula Wallace

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