It Becomes Clear

“It Becomes Clear”

7”The Lord keeps you from all harm and watches over your life.
8 The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,
both now and forever.” Psalm 121:7-8 (NLT)

On April 18, 1986, my older sister, Jennifer, my best friend, Lacey, and I left our softball game in Catherine, Alabama and decided to ride home with my mother, Brenda. As we walked to get into our white Bonneville, a foul ball fell at my feet . That’s the last thing I remember.


My mom had driven only a few miles down the road, when suddenly a school bus ran a stop sign and T-boned us. I only know of the events that happened next from my mom. My mom suffered a terrible injury to her foot and ankle. It was crushed. In addition to my sister’s teeth being knocked out, Lacey’s chin was gashed open.

Help from Good Samaritans

Initially everyone is assessed by the good Samaritans. Mom then tells them, “Susan is in the car!” (Which is on fire) I don’t remember being pulled out of the car, but I do remember coming to and my sister, Jennifer yelling at me in a mad, motherly voice, “sit down Susan!” I was jumping over fences in a pasture! For once in my life, I think I must have listened to her, because I found myself sitting against a car tire with a man giving me water and trying to keep me still. He said, “Honey, I think your arm might be broken.”

Scars become clear reminders with time

Well, my arm wasn’t broken, it was crushed. It was like a bag of marbles. A ugly, long scar is a reminder of this day. But now when I look at my ugly, long scar, it becomes clear to me what really happened that day. God provided, watched over us, and prompted a good Samaritan to do his work.

What scars do you have today? Let the scars help things become clear of what happens in the midst of your accidents.

Counting My Blessings,
Susan Browder


For Further study

Pain. God’s megaphone

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