Remembering the Cost

  The Cost of Service

Remembering the History of Memorial Day

Today is a day for getting together with family and friends.  We laugh, and play and most times we stuff ourselves with too much food.  But “decoration day” goes back to the civil war.  We are remembering the cost of those fallen today. History tells us that by the late 1860’s communities began strewing flowers on the grave of the fallen men who were killed in battles.  The last Monday each May was established as an official federal holiday in 1971.

Remember the lives that serve and protect

So many have died so we might have to freedom to worship God and pursue life, liberty and happiness.  We should not forget the cost of each and every life that gives us the freedom.    I hope that today at some point in the celebration we all will pause in remembrance of those men and women who lost their lives in service to this country and to us.

Not only should we remember those lost but also those who at this very moment are serving their country.  We are so blessed to have men and women who place their lives in harms way every day.

Remember to Pray for these

Please pray for service persons every day and please be mindful of our police, fire fighte

rs, EMT and all others who are serving.

Remember the cost they pay and have paid.  We owe our freedom to these fine men and women.

Freda Reynolds

Additional post:

Lift up your eyes


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