Trust Issues–What I Know Now

Trust issues

After Briton Rivière [Public domain]

“The king was overjoyed and ordered that Daniel be lifted from the den. Not a scratch was found on him, for he had trusted in his God.” Daniel 6:23 (NLT)

A Different Time

As a teacher, I have noticed something which seems to becoming more difficult within the walls of my classroom, that is getting my students to trust me. Years ago, this was something which came so quickly and much easier than today. So much more of my effort is required now to earn a student’s trust. Why is it so hard to trust?

Why Is This So Tough Now?

This is definitely something which weighs on my heart. Then a few days ago, I found myself thinking of a time I didn’t trust the Lord. Trusting Him in my life wasn’t a daily thought like it is now. Something had to happen in my life for me to realize how important it really is to trust the Lord with my future.  This took me back to when I was younger in middle school and how unsure I was about so many things. The pressure I felt from so many areas, wondering if I would be something my family could be proud of, and the uncertainty of not knowing what tomorrow brings. 

What’s In There?

So this year I have made it a priority to find out what’s inside my student’s heads. What is going on? What are you doing in your spare time? How was your day yesterday? Why are you so frustrated coming to my class today? Are you going to let this ruin the rest of your day, or learn from it and change your attitude?  When I have had the opportunity to ask these questions, I have learned so much. In my opinion, talking and listening is the key to establishing trust. Sound familiar? The fact that I have focused my attention on one individual, shows I care. Many of us are getting sucked into the daily rat race, and we are missing so much right in front of us. 

What I Know Now

My day is so different now when I remember to trust the Lord with what I am going through. Until not very long ago, I never realized how much trusting I do in one day. So what I know now is definitely something I could have used much earlier in my life. So I ask you, how important is trust? Teaching my students about trust, is something I hope becomes a much bigger part of their lives. 

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” Proverbs 3:5 (NLT)

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder  Casting Crowns

Tis So Sweet to Trust in Jesus

Additional insights: by Tricia Cook

” Sheltered in the arms of love “

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