Friends of Jesus:Children
One of my favorite artists is Frances Hook. She illustrates beautiful pictures of children and the ones of children with Jesus makes my heart oh so very happy. A teacher friend of mine, calls children, “little pieces of her heart,” and I completely agree. Children have pieces of my heart and they tattoo their names on their piece and remain forever. If you have never seen the work of Ms. Hook, do yourself a favor and Google her.
I think Jesus favorite friends were the children. He pointed to them as an example of how He wanted His followers to live their lives. Matthew 18:2-5 says, “And He called a child to Himself and set him before them, and said, “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven. “Whoever then humbles himself as this child, he is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.“And whoever receives one such child in My name receives Me;” Jesus found child-like trust, humility, and honesty refreshing. Children are eager to learn, want to please, are willing to try and fail and try again until a task is mastered. Children do not judge each other until taught to do so, and they love unconditionally.
Excerpt from The Chosen, Episode 3: “Jesus Loves the Little Children”
Listen to Jesus
Sadly, children suffer the consequences of earth’s curse and like adults need the healing touch of Jesus. As Jesus reputation spread as a healer, parents with children suffering from disease, disability, and at the edge of death came to Jesus. Who among us is not willing to move heaven and earth for our children and will do whatever is necessary to alleviate pain and suffering in their child? It is no wonder three of the gospel writers speak of the time disciples were reprimanded for sending children and parents away. What? Can you imagine if someone kept you from the cure for your child because it was inconvenient? Jesus is still chiding us today as we fail to give children the chance to know Him. Listen to Jesus: “….do not hinder them from coming to Me; for the Kingdom of Heaven belongs to such as these!” (Matthew 19:13-14)
Matthew includes Jesus words of warning to all who will hear: “See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven continually see the face of My Father who is in heaven and it is not the will of the Father that one of these little ones perish.” (Matthew 18:10, 14)
El Elyon God Provides
One of the best examples from scripture of how God cares for children is seen in the story of Hagar and Ishmael. They are sent away and yet, God comes to Hagar as the God who sees. He provides for Hagar and her child. Every child is precious to the Father. Precious enough to be sure they have guardian angels reporting to God. We all start out as a child. His child!
The God Who Sees by Nicole C. Mullen
Take Others to Jesus
Children are quite perceptive. They are drawn to those with loving hearts, a tender touch, and open, warm smiles. Children flocked to Jesus as if he were the Pied Piper. Jesus laughed loud and kids crawled all over Him each vying for His undivided attention. I am sure of it from my teaching preschool!
So what can I learn from Jesus’ favorite age group? Run to the Rabbi! (Teacher) Get as close as possible! Look Him squarely in His eyes and tell Him my secrets. Take all that is broken to Him for repair. Listen intently to all He says. Be myself. Tell Him what I want. Trust Him with tomorrow. Right now is all I really have, live it large! Be a kid at heart! Know I am a “piece of His heart!” Grasp this most beautiful FACT! God LOVES YOU! You are His precious creation. Therefore, You are not a mistake. So,You are perfect in His eyes because Jesus loves you! Take others to Jesus, they too are His children: A piece of His heart.
Jesus Loves the Little Children
Get this tune stuck in your head today and be a kid!
Dedicated to TEACHERS who represent Jesus’ love of children. You are a big piece of His heart because you love, educate, and care for His children! My deepest thanks! You inspire me! May the Lord bless you this school year! As my teacher friend says: “only ____ more get-ups til Christmas break!”
Additional Reading:
Beautiful message . Thankful God allows us to come to him as His child in repentance! God bless!