England’s Queen Elizabeth Crown
The Queen of England and family have been in the news lately. It gave me pause to think about the Queen. She is such a stately lady always properly dressed and full of etiquette. It is hard for me to imagine having to be the role model that she has been for so long. In the privacy of her quarters, can she wear lounge pants or blue jeans? Does she slouch in a chair and eat chips and dip while watching television? Makes me wonder if she can relax and be ‘normal’.
Imperial State Crown
The Queen has the honor of wearing crowns and tiaras that are covered with jewels that are unimaginable to me. The Queen wears the Imperial State Crown (pictured) once a year to open Parliament. It weighs 3 pounds and is covered with jewels. It has a 317 carat diamond. Just imagine having a crown like that and keeping it balanced on your head. The thought made me consider the crowns that are written in God’s word.
Crown of Righteousness
II Timothy 4:8, NKJV, “Finally, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will give to me on that Day, and not to me only but also to all who have loved His appearing.”
Paul’s life is almost over when this was written and he has finished the race by keeping the faith until the end. Because of that, he will receive a crown. How cool is that? I can’t imagine anything in heaven being less beautiful than things on earth. Makes me wonder what that crown will look like. Paul doesn’t finish there; however, he says a crown will not only be given to him, but all of us who have looked forward to His appearing. All of us who finish the race by keeping the faith will receive a reward which Paul names as a crown.
Reward for Faithfulness
Revelation 22:12, NKJV, Jesus said, “And behold I am coming quickly and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.”
We will be rewarded for good works. Some of our rewards will be taken away because we failed to be obedient. The crown of righteousness is a reward given for faithfulness in using our gifts and opportunities to serve the Lord. Can you even imagine that the Lord will give us a reward? He will have the reward with Him when He returns. Will we be expected to wear a crown in heaven?
Crowns Cast Before the Throne
Revelation 4:10-11a, NKJV, “the twenty four elders all fall down before Him who sits on the throne and worship Him who lives forever and ever and cast their crowns before the throne saying: ‘You are worthy, O Lord to receive glory and honor and praise.”
According to scripture, we will cast our crowns before the throne of God and worship Him giving Him praise. Truth is all of our rewards are a result of His saving and sanctifying grace. Nothing we have done is deserving of a reward, but God is gracious and sees us clean because we have been washed in the blood of Jesus.
Will the reward be an actual crown? I don’t know the answer, but I believe God’s word is true and receiving a reward is real. Keep the faith and continue to serve the Lord with love for one another.
He has a reward for you!
All the Hail The Power of Jesus Name by Maranatha Singers
Paula Wallace
Additional Readings”
Love the way you relate a message to real life here in earth then tie it into God’s word. Great message! Thank you and God bless!