The Most Important Voice

The Most Important Voice”


27 “My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28 I give them eternal life, and they will never perish. No one can snatch them away from me.” John 10:27-28. (NLT)

Who Is Going to Get Me Through

The last two weeks have been a difficult one. With being sick, trying to keep up my daily routine, listening to so many voices, and juggling the unexpected, I have been overwhelmed. Raise your hand if you have been there and wondered, how am I going to get through this? It’s not a fun spot. It’s a frustrating spot, until your twenty year old son notices mom’s not so good. Then he bear hugs you and quietly says, “Mom, take a deep breath. Everything will be okay.” That’s God sent right there and exactly what this mama needed.


Brother Scott reminded me of something so important today in church. He said, “When you belong to God, listen. Listen to him. He will tell you if you are not suppose to be here. He will lead you and tell you if something is a good choice or a bad choice. He will tug at your heart. Listen to him.” (Brother Scott Stevens)

What a great reminder to us all. When we are living and going about our day, we hear so many voices. This can be unsettling and cause us to question ourselves. What a great reminder to share with our children. Our children are exposed to so many voices through social media and it is essential we talk with them to listen to us as parents and to “the most important voice” above all other voices. This is one of the most valuable things we can do for our children.

So when you are out and about living life this week, whether you are sick, sad, frustrated, happy, overjoyed, or overwhelmed, remember to recognize the Lord’s voice and He will guide you through. He will lead you around all the world’s distractions.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

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About Susan Browder

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.” Hebrews 11:1 I grew up in a small town in Alabama called Boligee. I am a wife and a mom to two sons, Nick who is 24 and married to his sweet wife, Mallory, and Jacob who is 18. My husband, Nicky, is a person of who I am so proud. Our lives changed forever on September 6, 2014 about 7:00 pm. Our son, Jacob, had an accident that would deeper our faith in God and challenge us in ways we never dreamed. My prayer is that our story will encourage others in their struggles with life altering experiences. My writing will be our testimonies but more than that it is about how we have a loving, caring God that carries us through the most difficult times of our lives.

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