Be Good to People

Be Good to People

Be Good to People

Instead, “If your enemies are hungry, feed them. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. In doing this, you will heap burning coals of shame on their heads.” Romans 12:20 (NLT)

One of my favorite programs to watch now is “One on One” with Kirk Cameron. He visits and talks with family and friends about what really matters in life. In video 2, Kirk meets with Phil Robertson and learns about what matters most to him and his family.

Say What?

Phil tells of a time where he used Romans 12:20 while fishing, which at one time was how he made a living. One day as he was out on his daily fishing trip, he approached some men stealing his fish.  He steered his boat toward them, their eyes widened. As Phil approached the men, he asked, “Why are you stealing from me?” The next thing he did shocked himself. He caught himself saying, “You don’t have to steal from me. Next time you need something, just ask. I will give it to you.” It was so comical listening to Phil describe the look on the men’s faces when he said this. (Phil Robertson, “One on One”)

Missing Opportunities

Phil Robertson could have used this opportunity to let the men have a piece of his mind, but he didn’t. I’ve missed so many opportunities to return evil with good. Imagine how people would respond in situations like this if we were to respond like Phil did when he realized someone was stealing from him. How would our circumstances change if we applied Romans 12:20? When we all choose to show mercy, love, and to be good to people, we will most likely get the same look of shock on people’s faces.

So don’t return evil and wrongdoing back at others. Answer other’s poor choices with a kind one and be good to them. Show them something different about people and let them learn from you.

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Additional Reading:

Exquisite Fragrance

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About Susan Browder

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”  Hebrews 11:1 I grew up in a small town in Alabama called Boligee. I am a wife and a mom to two sons, Nick who is 24 and married to his sweet wife, Mallory, and Jacob who is 18.  My husband, Nicky, is a person of who I am so proud. Our lives changed forever on September 6, 2014 about 7:00 pm. Our son, Jacob, had an accident that would deeper our faith in God and challenge us in ways we never dreamed. My prayer is that our story will encourage others in their struggles with life altering experiences. My writing will be our testimonies but more than that it is about how we have a loving, caring God that carries us through the most difficult times of our lives.

One thought on “Be Good to People

  1. Beth Brown

    Usually those giving us a hard time are in need of attention. Thanks for this reminder! Thank you for your time to write these messages . I know you have a full plate! God bless you and your family!


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