“Our Job”


“Our Job”

“Does my word burn like fire?” says the Lord. “Is it not like a mighty hammer that smashes a rock to pieces?” Jeremiah 23:29 (NLT)

My bible studies class is continuing to watch and study Kirk Cameron’s “One on One”. In this study, he meets with people and discusses their lives and how God has impacted them and how they are impacting others. Landon MacDonald is tremendously impacting young people all over. In his video, with Kirk Cameron, he quoted from the book of Jeremiah; God’s word changes hard and cold hearts. He also shared how the heart of a child is like the liquid form of cement. It is essential for us to make the word known to them before they become much older and the “cement” has dried. (One on One with Kirk Cameron, Episode 9)

Wow! What a great way to see how important making the Word known is. Colossians 1:25 says, “God has given me the responsibility of serving his church by proclaiming his entire message to you.” This was something for me, personally, for which I need a reminder. For young people out there trying to figure out their life and what they want to do with it, and wondering what their job is? Landon mentions in this video to think, “What can I do with my life to bring the most glory to God?” You see “that’s our job!” ((One on One with Kirk Cameron, Episode 9)

Counting My Blessings,

Glory To God Forever by Fee

Susan Browder

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About Susan Browder

“Faith is the confidence that what we hope for will actually happen; it gives us assurance about things we cannot see.”  Hebrews 11:1 I grew up in a small town in Alabama called Boligee. I am a wife and a mom to two sons, Nick who is 24 and married to his sweet wife, Mallory, and Jacob who is 18.  My husband, Nicky, is a person of who I am so proud. Our lives changed forever on September 6, 2014 about 7:00 pm. Our son, Jacob, had an accident that would deeper our faith in God and challenge us in ways we never dreamed. My prayer is that our story will encourage others in their struggles with life altering experiences. My writing will be our testimonies but more than that it is about how we have a loving, caring God that carries us through the most difficult times of our lives.

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