Gaither Vocal Band – He Touched Me–ptwd_iI
Last week I had the privilege of spending some quality time with my son and his family. His two boys play baseball and I got the opportunity to watch two games. At one of the games, my five-year-old granddaughter introduced me to one of her friends. She told her friend that I was her grandmother. The friend reached her hand up, I bent over and she touched my hair. She said that I reminded her of her grandmother because her grandmother had white hair. As she looked at me, she continued by saying, ‘and wrinkles’. Ha!
Do You Like Wrinkles?

Image by Madhurima Handa from Pixabay
Later, in the car going home, my granddaughter asked me if I liked having wrinkles. I didn’t want to tell her ‘no, they make me look old and I would love to have the skin of a 30 year old’. Truthfully, it doesn’t bother me that I have wrinkles. I take care of my skin and it is a fact of life. Just not willing to go under the knife because of wrinkles. I am so grateful that I am healthy and can enjoy my life and my grandchildren.
“so that he might present the church to himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that she might be holy and without blemish.”
Ephesians 5:27 ESV
Without Spot or Wrinkle
The word wrinkle related to skin means a line or crease in the skin mainly because of age. The word wrinkle in Ephesians 5:27, means a flaw in a person or persons. This verse is describing the flawlessness of the church because of the love of Christ. He gave Himself up for it in order to present it to Himself without a flaw or spot. When Christ presents the church, He will come up to and stand besides the followers showing that we are His.
Presented in Splendor
Christ presents His church or followers to Himself in splendor which means glorious or a state of high honor. This is equivalent to being free from sin. The church is the whole body of Christian believers whom God called out of the world and into His eternal kingdom. The word church comes from the Greek word kyriakos which means “belonging to the Lord.”
Cleansed from all Unrighteousness
On that day, we will not have a spot or wrinkle. Of course, this is not speaking of the signs of aging. This refers to faults and flaws. The sin in our life. When we are presented, we will be presented cleansed from all unrighteousness. We will be seen as holy which means set apart by God. There is nothing we can do to cleanse and present ourselves as holy. It is only because of the blood of Christ that we will be seen as holy and blameless.
Thank You, Jesus
Wrinkles and blemishes are only temporary in this world. One day we will be cleansed of all wrinkles and spots without and within. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice and intercession.
Paula Wallace