Our Father Who Is In Heaven


https://youtu.be/wID1OTLO_IM The Lord’s Prayer by Selah

Often I have seen posts asking something like,“if you could spend an hour with anyone who is no longer alive, who would it be?” For me, that is easy. It would be my dad. Seems like I should say something like Jesus Christ ( I love the Lord) or Rembrandt (art is my interest) or Elvis Presley (my idol when I was a teenager), but my dad is the one I would love to sit and talk with for just a little while. With Father’s Day this weekend, I’m reminded of how much I miss him. He was my hero, my advisor and so full of wisdom. I knew no matter what happened in my life, he would stand with me and love me.

Buckle Your Seatbelt

Saturday, June 19th, my husband and I will celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary. It was on Father’s Day weekend. As Joe and I were getting in the car to leave on our honeymoon, my dad whispered to me, “don’t forget to buckle your seatbelt”. Y’all, every time I got in the car that next day, I cried. I think Joe thought I was reconsidering our marriage. My husband and Mother teased me about that for years. They didn’t understand, but my dad knew. I suspect he cried, too! I admired and respected him so much.

Pray then like this: “Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.”
Matthew 6:9 ESV

“and I will be a father to you, and you shall be sons and daughters to me, says the Lord Almighty.”
2 Corinthians 6:18 ESV

God is Our Father

Even though my dad is no longer here on earth, I am thankful that I have a heavenly Father that loves and cares for me. God is my guide and my comfort. He is always with me. No matter what happens, He stands with me. The Bible clearly states that God will be a father to us.

“As a father shows compassion to his children, so the Lord shows compassion to those who fear him.”
Psalm 103:13 ESV

Love, Trust and Obey

An earthly father should set the example of our heavenly Father. He should be loving, supportive, yet discipline the children when needed. He will not be perfect and will make mistakes; however, by his loving-kindness, children learn to love, trust and obey the heavenly Father. Pray for fathers this week and let them know how much they are loved and needed.

Paula Wallace

Additional reading:

Man of Wisdom


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About Paula Wallace

A child of God, wife, mother and grandmother of 6 precious children. I love art, nature and treasure my dear friends. Through the valleys and mountaintops, God led me to His saving grace at the age of 32. Since then the valleys and mountaintops have proven His love to me. I am learning to trust Him in all things. My prayer is that you, too, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and trust Him. The Bible verse that I lean on mostly is Proverbs 3: 5-6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.”NKJV Paula Wallace

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