God’s miracle of seasons





miracle of season

Fall Foscue Park, Demopolis, Al.

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” Genesis 8:22

Miracle of seasons

It’s almost that time of year again. The miracle of seasons. I always love the changing of each season. Fall is coming with glorious colors. I love to walk out in the early morning and find the temperature has dropped from the humid, stifling heat of summer in Alabama.

God, the creator of heavens and earth, wonderfully set our world into existence. He thought of every single detail for our time on earth. I stand amazed at the wonder of creation.

Our life is full of seasons

Ecclesiastes 3 reminds us that for everything there is a season. All of our life revolves around seasons. From the day we were born until the day God calls us home, we have opportunities to thank and praise God for this wonderful world he gave to us. Each of us was born at just the exact appointed time. Each day is numbered by the Lord. I shudder to think how many of those days I have squandered. How many seasons I never gave one thought about the number of my days and what my purpose for that day should have been.

Details in God’s design

There are so many details in God’s design we never consider. We don’t think about gravity, why the sun rises in the east and sets in the west. The moon and the tides of the oceans and how they worked together. Why is the earth tilted at 23.5 degrees and revolves around the sun to give us the seasons of our world? https://earthsky.org/earth/can-you-explain-why-earth-has-four-seasons/


Today’s grateful moment:

I am asking the Lord to make all my efforts today count toward his purpose for each of us. Gratitude brings praise and thankful hearts to every season of our lives. Maybe we will not change the entire world, but we can change our circle in the world.

We are all made of the same pattern; stamped with the image of God. There is but one race, many tribes, and various experiences.

Rejoice in the wonder

God has given us a place in His wonderful world. Let’s rejoice in the wonder of each detail. Psalm 113:3 “From the rising of the sun to its setting the name of the Lord is to be praised [with awe-inspired reverence].” (amp version)

Our times and boundaries were set before we came here. Rejoice in your days. Today is the day.

“ He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation,” Acts 17:26

Grateful Hearts

We have much for which we should be thankful in the troubled world.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world” John 16:33

Today’s word of encouragement: Seasons change but God and His Word never changes.


https://youtu.be/395rhtAWtzs by United Pursuit


I thank you for the seasons in my life. Some have been bad. Those seasons have built me into the person I am today. Some have been wonderful. They have given me strength and peace that I might take comfort in you.

I know that this world is not my home; my citizenship is in your home. I am forever grateful that you designed a plan and a place for me to grow and learn from you. Your grace and mercy to us are so awesome. We stand in your presence this day giving you the honor and praise that only you deserve.

To God be all Glory and honor and praise.

Freda Reynolds

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