Stay Strong Danny Gokey
Who Needs Comfort?
Isaiah 40:1 “Comfort, comfort my people.”
2 Corinthians 1:4 “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, 4 who comforts us in all our affliction so that we will be able to comfort those who are in any afflictions with the comfort with which we ourselves are comforted by God.”
Do you need comforting?
Comfort is the word we want to explore today! When I look around at our communities, our homes, or our churches, I see people who need their pain alleviated. We all are in need of comfort.
What brings you comfort?
What comforts you? First to come to most of our minds is food! We have become to most obese people in our world. We have more than 90% of the world and yet we are not satisfied.
A few of my thoughts
As I thought about what brings me comfort, I reached several conclusions. First, knowing I have an eternal home waiting for me. Jesus has paid the price for me. My debt has been paid. Second, more earthly comforts come to mind. I love a good hug! For the last two years, we have not been able to have contact with people for fear of Covid. There is just something about having my husband’s arms wrap around me or a good friend’s hug that makes me feel good. Something that makes my heart full is being able to hold a newborn baby and my grandchildren. And again we haven’t been allowed to do much of this either.
How can I comfort you?
I ask a few people what brought them comfort. How could I bring comfort to your life? People want to know we care! We want others to truly care about our distress, pain, frustration, and loneliness. Because of this pandemic, we have been separated from family, friends, and connections that bring joy and happiness.
The answers I got were everything from a good cup of coffee to I am most satisfied when I see my children and grandchildren doing well.
“Comfort, Comfort my people” Isaiah 40:1
We can begin comforting the ones around us. How do we do that? Simply letting people know we are thinking about them.
- Call that friend who is alone most of the day!
- Write a card or note to encourage someone who doesn’t expect it.
- Maybe it’s a plate of brownies for a neighbor.
- Take a friend who needs to get out for a ride in the countryside.
- See God’s beauty in creation.
- Have lunch with someone in a park.
- Think outside the box about making our separation and loneliness lighter and more comforting.
Let people know they have value.
Comfort in a chaotic world.
In a world where all seems chaotic, let’s bring comfort. Let’s be more human to one another. We are all unsure of what our world might be like in the future.
2 Corinthians 1:4 says we are to “comfort one another with the comfort that has comforted us. We all have stories and issues that we have been through. There are other people who have been through similar situations. Be a listening post for another who is suffering. It may have been a loss of a spouse or family member. It may have been cancer that you’ve experienced. Share and bring a little sunshine and comfort to someone who is going through trials today. We have seen so much loss these 2 years. We all need comforting.
Comfort is different for all of us. Personally, I love a beautiful field of daffodils. They make me smile. Joy, Comfort come in many ways.

The beauty of creation makes me smile. Brings comfort and hope.
Enjoy a warm blanket on a cold night or a brilliant sunrise or sunset. Watch some hummingbirds doing the impossible with their tiny wings.
Smile and feel the warmth deep inside your soul. It will make us more grateful for what we have. To be grateful or to look around and appreciate God’s
Freda Reynolds
Also, enjoy:
God Desires to Comfort Us?