Thankful Lists



What are you thankful for?

#Thankful Thursday, November 24, 2021

Many families begin their Thanksgiving Day meal with a time to say something for which they are thankful. Have you thought about what you might mention? Do you honor that tradition in your home?

Thanks, thanksgiving, and a few other synomyns are mentioned 139 times in God’s Word. Most of the time, the word is used in connection to God’s care, protection, and guidance. How God cares for HIs people is almost incomprehensible. Once we begin to think about all the ways that our loving God cares for His people, our minds simply can not take them all in.

While I am thankful for my family, friends, my home, my life, I am most thankful for a God who created me, in my inmost parts. He is my Savior, my Counselor, my Friend, and everything I need is in His care for me.

As we enter this season of the year, may we enter with grateful, thankful hearts.

A Season To Be Thankful

Tomorrow we will celebrate all for which we are thankful. Then, we begin the Christmas season and until the end of 2021. It is in the Christmas season we will show our gratitude (thankfulness shown) to those around us who we appreciate in our lives.

In all the struggles this year, may we remember, this world is not our home! Our citizenship in is heaven!

Be Thankful God has a plan. He keeps His promise and you can be assured He will Build Back Better! You can “bank” on it.

“Thankful Hearts” by Michael A. Schmid

God Bless All of You treading water to stay afloat.

We are thankful for you all!


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