The gift of the magnolia


From the front porch and beyond

gift of magnolia

This morning as I ate breakfast, my view of my front yard was a gift that brought a thankful and joyful heart.

The breeze is gently moving in the new tender leaves on the red oak, and water oaks. In addition, the ferns were dancing as they hung from the porch.

There are different shades of green with blue all around me.  People traveling and birds moving about. There is movement everywhere.  For the Beauty of the Earth 

The gift of the Magnolia

After a minute, I notice the Magnolia tree across the yard and 3 beautiful blossoms that seem to be opening, right as I am watching. They are reaching for the breeze and sun. Seeking more of the light. The gift of the Magnolia was unfolding.


Once again, my Father’s voice springs from the garden; bringing his simple truths.

Seek and you will find.

Lord, thank you!

Open my heart and mind to look deeper. Feed me with your words and truths, so that I might find you and all of your glory. Help me see and appreciate the details of your gifts, the wisdom, and the good you have for today.


I pray that you let these things be done according to your perfect way and will.  In Jesus Christ’s powerful name.


Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you.  Matthew 7:7


When God Does Something Special


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About Debbie Kendrick

I am not a writer or teacher, just a woman that God has walked with; giving her undeserved love, peace, guidance, and grace in a world full of heartache. My goal and calling are to encourage those I encounter during each season of life. I hope these words will encourage you in your journey, and make you know your Savior loves you, hears, and sees you.

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