
From the front porch to:

He is so faithful!

I have been challenged with the question:

Have you lost your awe of God?

Have you forgotten how powerful our God is?

Have forgotten HIS wisdom, power and grace?

So in that, I began to look at each member of our family and their life . Searched to remember and bring back my awe of Christ.

Look for where HE has guided, led and direct us or them to a different way or journey. So different from what I would have chosen.

How each provision was a miracle; even in the small things. The things we were devastated by; that turn into confidence, trust and faith. Searching for the moments of Awe, that was as my God in all his wisdom, power, mercy and grace.

Oh how, I wish I could have walked with this confidence in younger years. But you only get confidence and trust by experience.

To be devastated by news, then look to the Father, buckle for a minute and then say

”OK, let’s see what YOU are going to do with this storm.”

Taking the Father’s hand and asked my in complete child like faith:

Where will you take us?

Who would you have us meet?

What would you have us learn?

Who do we need to touch and who do we need to be touched by?

Trusting that HIS plans are for good.

Heavenly Father,

Thank you, Father for being everything that we could ever want or need. Thank you for your wisdom, mercy and grace.

Help us to remember who you are each day.

Help us learn quickly and complete assignments on time.

Give us hearing hearts that move with you.

Thy will be done, according to the work you are doing within us .Please bring a great work in our hearts heart and minds each day for your honor and glory.

In Jesus Christ’s powerful name.



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About Debbie Kendrick

I am not a writer or teacher, just a woman that God has walked with; giving her undeserved love, peace, guidance, and grace in a world full of heartache. My goal and calling are to encourage those I encounter during each season of life. I hope these words will encourage you in your journey, and make you know your Savior loves you, hears, and sees you.

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