Study Buddies -Haverim

Haverim Study Buddies

Haverim Studying together one to one

Growing through Word Studies.

In today’s world, we have so many tools we can use to study God’s Word and grow in our spiritual walk with Christ.

For many years, we used Sunday School, Bible studies, and programs to help us learn and grow.

Today, I have found studying the time and culture of Jesus gives us so much more than our western concepts of the Bible.

Studying the meaning of Hebrew/Jewish words.

One such study is the meanings behind some Hebrew/ Jewish words. While reading Lois Tverberg’s book “Sitting at the Feet of the Rabbi”, I was impressed by the Hebrew word ‘Haverim’.

In Jesus’ culture, the children were taught early the Torah which is the first five books of the Old Testament. Later they would study the prophets and psalms.

Havruta -the gathering of students

The students would gather at the synagogue or their place of learning and pair with a friend “a haver.” “Havruta” as the gathering of students was called.

In Hebrew, “Haver” literally means friend. Friends pair off face to face and discuss the finer points of the law.

As you see, it is quite different than how we are taught scripture. The students would be lively in their discussion, waving their hands adamantly at each point made.

Jewish philosophers considered it vital to do so in the presence of others.

Lois Tverberg writes, “a famous line of rabbinic advice from before Jesus’ time was this: ‘Acquire for yourself a rabbi, and get yourself a haver’ (Sitting at the feet of Rabbi Jesus, How the Jewishness of Jesus Can Transform Your Faith, pg.71.”

Blessing through friendship study

In my life, I unknowingly, have had 4 such friends! It is totally one of my most cherished blessings. These are ladies who have influenced my life in thousands of ways. We disagree on points of scriptures, we laugh at one another if we don’t always agree. Talk to me about the book of James sometime! One asks me each time we talk, “what has the Lord been teaching you?” One meets with me and we study passages together and compare our notes. One comes to my home and we draw in our journaling Bibles things we are studying. One writes with me and gives such great spiritual insights.

Western ideas differ from Eastern culture

Maybe this is as new to you as it was to me. In our western minds, we think we have to have quiet times alone with Jesus to sense His presence. And that is so valuable but Jesus told us that where two or three are gathered in His name, He is there with us. Therefore, it might be implied that He finds great pleasure in those two or three gathering in a small group of “haverim.”

There is another quote from this book from the Babylonian Talmud,Taanit7A, “Much have I learned from my teachers, even more from my haverim, but from my disciples, most of all.”

When we come together and discuss God’s word, we learn from each other. I challenge each of you to find a haverah, female friend, or guys find a “haver” to study and discuss what the Lord is teaching you.

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