Tell me the story

From the front porch and beyond:

Tell Me A Story

I know a man.

He tells me the story of Jesus.

I have watched him feed the hungry.

Walk with the weary.

Love the unlovable.

Sit with the sick.

Talk with the drunken until someone could carry them home.

Teach a Sunday School class.

Pray with the broken-hearted.

Feed the hungry.

He is slow to anger.

If you hang around him for a little while he will tell you about his best friend and introduce you.

Beware he will talk to his best friend behind your back and kneel with you and talk to that best friend about you; right in front of you.

He is humble and kind.

The definition of compassion.

It’s not unusual for me to be stopped and told that he has told someone else the story of Jesus.

Nearing 65 years this man has continued to tell me the story of Jesus. He has prayed for the story to be written in my heart. He has told me the story, most precious.

If you ask him his favorite song it would be “What a friend we have in Jesus!”

He turns 89 this month and continues telling the story of Jesus through his every action.

I can never tell him how much I love watching him tell the story of Jesus.

I can only pray that I can tell the story of Jesus half as well.

Thank you, Daddy! Alan Jackson -What a Friend We Have In Jesus

Heavenly Father,

Thank you for being my daddy’s best friend, his father, and his Savior.

Thank you for giving him the heart to tell your story.

Thank you for creating him for me.


written by Debbie Kendrick






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About Debbie Kendrick

I am not a writer or teacher, just a woman that God has walked with; giving her undeserved love, peace, guidance, and grace in a world full of heartache. My goal and calling are to encourage those I encounter during each season of life. I hope these words will encourage you in your journey, and make you know your Savior loves you, hears, and sees you.

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