Thankful Hearts

Psalms 100 reading today Thanksgiving season.

Thanksgiving Day is quickly approaching. The busiest season of the year barrels in like a freight train moving on down the tracks. We barely get started on decorating for fall before thanksgiving plans must begin. Then immediately after there are the Christmas musicals, fairs in the park, river parades, gifts to purchase, and on and on it goes.

Thankful Hearts

Slow Down? Are you nuts?

It is increasingly harder to slow down and give the true meaning of Thanksgiving consideration. These past couple of years have been very difficult ones. The next two years may be as difficult as the last years.

Refocus On Thankfulness

Perhaps, it is time to refocus our attention on more important things. A little time to sit down and talk with the Lord each day. A little time to sing praises, even when we are alone. Set aside some time to read passages about being grateful and thankful for what He has done for us. Maybe even start a journal about the things you see God doing in your life. Being thankful and having gratitude opens our hearts to happiness and real joy. Take a little time to visit a few minutes with an old friend or a lonely widow or widower.

To-do list?

Make them simple. Plan an easier dinner. Let others help you. It doesn’t have to be fancy-schmancy. Stove top can be done and taste just about as good if you doctor it with your usual spice.

Talk to your family about simpler gifts, meaningful gifts. With the economy as tight as it is, make this thanksgiving a joyful one.

Trim the tree as a family and have everyone set aside a special time to be with family.

Read Psalms 100 today.

Rejoice and be glad. This is the day the Lord has made for you!

We tread together until Jesus comes to get His bride.

Freda Reynolds

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