From the front porch and beyond:


Let me hear your voice

Learning from my brother-in-law’s grateful heart

My brother-in-law has Down’s Syndrome and each day teaches me so much. The world is new, amazing, refreshing through his eyes and so simple.



Two Shoes

Brother and Brother-in-law

He had a pair of house shoes with a crease in the sole, not really a break, but he “needed new ones.”🙃 His OCD would not let it go, so big brother ordered him new ones.

They were delivered to his house which is always an exciting event. He faced timed brother all excited. “I have new house shoes.


Downs Brother-in-law

Brother: “ Yes, brother, I ordered them for you.”

Brother-in-law: “I have new house shoes.

Brother-in-law: “But look I got 2!”


How humbling!

His simple joy and thankfulness that he had shoes for both feet. How we take God’s provisions for granted! How I take daily little things for granted!

Are you thankful you got 2, not just one?

Did we just glance, but not look at what was truly given?

At what point today where you truly and deeply thankful for all you were given?

We look at our plates and say thank you, but did we notice that the hamburger had a bun with 2 sides, ketchup, mayo, mustard, onion, tomato, and a pickle!! Our favorite beverage with ice!

Are we thankful for the simple things?

Did we dig deep recognizing that only by God’s grace, mercy and provisions this was made possible?

Did you recognize that God not only answered your prayers, but He did abundantly more?

“I got 2”

Eph. 3:20

1Chro. 29:13

Daniel 4:37


Heavenly Father,

Thank you for my sweet brother-in-law who teaches me so much about you! Thank you for the sweet gentle messages that come from his eyes.

Father, forgive me when I fail to recognize the details of your provisions. Make sure I see and recognize the gifts given your grace, mercy, and wisdom.



Others teach us so much if we will stop and see it.  Here’s another example

“God Gave Me You”



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About Debbie Kendrick

I am not a writer or teacher, just a woman that God has walked with; giving her undeserved love, peace, guidance, and grace in a world full of heartache. My goal and calling are to encourage those I encounter during each season of life. I hope these words will encourage you in your journey, and make you know your Savior loves you, hears, and sees you.

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