Timothy’s Godly Heritage


We read in the Bible of Paul’s beloved son in the Lord, Timothy. He was under the care and protection of Paul, walking alongside him, being taught so many important things for his future ministry to the Lord. It was like having the job of an apprentice with on the job training, watching and learning all that he could. Paul became his spiritual father, his mentor, one that spoke into his life such vital truths, helping him mature into the vessel of honor that the Lord could effectively use in the lives of so many people.

But, who had any influence in his life before Paul?  Paul gives us a clear view of who this was in his writings.

“When I call to remembrance the genuine faith that is in you, which first dwelt in your grandmother, Lois, and your mother, Eunice; and I am persuaded that is in thee, also.” (2 Timothy 1:5)

Paul, then begins to give us a look at what genuine faith is all about. This real faith dwelt in Lois, his grandmother (which is to inhabit and to make one’s home in this place).  The above word says that she was the first to believe on Jesus.

“For with the heart man/woman believes (in Jesus) unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” (Romans 10:10)

But, it didn’t stop there, Lois was faithful to pass down her faith to her daughter, Eunice. She genuinely received Jesus and in like manner faithfully passed it down to her son, Timothy.

When you and I believe in Jesus Christ as our own personal Lord and experience firsthand His mercy, grace, and forgiveness, we cannot be silent. We must let others know; we must pass it on to those around us, especially our own loved ones. Paul gives us another view of Timothy’s steadfast upbringing by his grandmother and mother.

“But, continue thou in the things which you have learned and have been assured of, knowing of whom you have learned them; And that from a child you have known the holy scriptures, which are able to make you wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”  (2 Tim.3:14-15)

Lois and Eunice led Timothy to faith in Jesus Christ by living it before him. Their walk before the Lord was sincere, faithful, and genuine. By loving and praying for him and teaching God’s precious Word to him, he came to saving faith.

Slowly, God shaped Timothy through his Godly family’s influence to become the young man that faithfully followed the Lord’s plan for his life. Many, many people were eternally changed because of Jesus living greatly in this young man.

Into whose life are you and I having an impact for eternity?

Our children – our grandchildren – our extended families – our coworkers – our neighbors – our enemies – the lonely and forsaken???

(Mel McDaniel – Mama’s Bible)

May He find us faithful,


One thought on “Timothy’s Godly Heritage

  1. Beth Brown

    Gabby is so blessed to have you as her grandmother, an awesome woman of faith!
    Bless you Trish!


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