Treasures from the Storehouse

Treasures from the Storehouse

“The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand: and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow.” Deuteronomy 28:12

Did you ever have a treasure box? An old tin box, a cigar box, or a cookie tin in which you kept all of your precious items. The items that brought back special memories or feelings you wanted to keep forever were placed safely in the box. It may have been items like that secret decoder ring, a special blue ribbon you won, or that note from a friend. My son liked to keep his special matchbox cars and rocks, oh how he loved to pick up rocks!

Treasure values change as we age

At four we don’t keep the same things that we keep as we grow older. What was precious at that time may bring a smile and a memory. However, the value we place on them isn’t the same as the photo of a loved one who has passed from life here to their heavenly home or your grandmother’s bible.

God’s Word says we are to store up treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not corrupt (my paraphrase) Matthew 6:18-21

When I read the verse in Deuteronomy I tried to imagine what it must look like inside of “His good treasure.” The word in the Old Testament used for “treasure” is “otsar” or a storehouse where God pours out his blessings for His children. He sends the rain, blesses the work of our hands, and does want us to lend and not borrow.

Treasure in original Hebrew writing

That word broken down in Hebrew letter pictographs gives us another meaning. The first letter is “Aleph” and means the chief leader, the head, the first. (God the Father). The second is “vav” which is a picture of a hook, a nail or a connector (something that “hooks” together two related things.) The third is the letter “tsade” which is a fish hook and it means “to harvest, catch or desire”. The last letter is “resh” and it is a picture of the head of a Prince.

All of that seems so technical but you ask why should I take the time to look at the meaning of letters.

I’m glad you ask. This has so enriched my relationship with God and His Word. To see how the person who wrote the words has given us a secret treasure box to unlock. Then we hide them in our hearts His message amazes me.

Now we can put these words together and see a new way to understand what God’s “good treasure” really is all about.

“The chief leader (God the Father) is hooked(connected) to the harvest (to catch or desire) the Prince (who is Jesus Christ.)

Our treasure is Jesus

Jesus is God’s storehouse or treasure. A study of Colossians 1 gives us all that Jesus has done for us. Please take time today to stop and read the first chapter of Colossians. Our treasure “thēsauros” in Greek is our heavenly storehouse where we are laying up our treasures.

Matthew 6:20 “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal…”

What is stored in God’s storehouse for you and me? We might be surprised to find that God had many blessings He wants to give to us. But, our hands, hearts, and lives are too full of this world’s treasures to receive them. Rock Island books. For a video for today’s devotion.

Worship Mob -Treasure


2 thoughts on “Treasures from the Storehouse

  1. Beth Brown

    I needed this! As tears go by, I see how earthly treasures cause stress and tie us down. Love the example of the word treasure , the father connecting to the harvest which in turn connects to Christ! God bless you and Mr Tommy.

  2. Beth Brown

    This was such a message full of peace. The video is amazing. Needed that today! Bless you and Mr Tommy!


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