Only God is Good


Matthew 19:17, KJV, “And He said unto him, why callest thou me good? there is none good, but One, that is, God.”

Football season is finally here! Football is the sport that creates division among family and friends because our houses have divided loyalties to the teams we support. ‘All in fun’ we try to convince ourselves, but deep down there is often a silent strong dislike for that other team. College football is my favorite sport on television, and I am a huge sports fan. I love the excitement and thrill of it all. My husband and I are divided on our favorite team, but we (thankfully) laugh about the outcomes, and when the game between our teams is over, we let it go.

Junior High Football

In about 1995, my son, Joe III, was gearing up to play junior high football. He had been tapped as the quarterback of the team. He and his friends were excited about the season ahead and were practicing in the extreme heat. My husband had taken him to practice one afternoon and was watching as the boys ran scrimmage. Joe was running with the ball on this particular day and was tackled by one of his teammates. The football landed on its point on the ground and he landed on the other point in his abdomen. Immediately, he began to throw up and crawled off the practice field. The pain was severe. Everyone was uncertain of what the problem was, but he obviously had been injured.

My Walk was ‘Good’

During this time, my walk with the Lord had been ‘good’. The children were going through the pains of growing up. Amy, my oldest, was in college. This particular night I had gone to a revival with my daughter Julee. Upon returning home, no one was home and the phone was ringing. I had not taken a house key to church, so Julee had to crawl through the dog door to answer it. My mother in law informed us that Joe had been injured at football practice and was at the ER.

A Long Night

Entering the hospital, to my relief, I saw Joe and his dad walking down the hall. He was in a great deal of pain, but the ER doctor had diagnosed him with a stomach virus! Not knowing many details, we go home. The night was long and hard. Joe couldn’t get comfortable and tossed and turned all night.

The Spleen was Injured

The next morning, Joe and I went to Dr. Bob Williamon’s office. Joe was so pale. The doctor took one look at him, and after we told him what happened, he sent us back to the Demopolis hospital for an X-ray. He strongly suspected Joe had injured his spleen and was afraid to even touch him. The X-rays showed Joe’s spleen torn down the middle. I don’t think anyone could have measured and cut it more accurately. From Demopolis we went to DCH in Tuscaloosa, and Dr. Gross performed surgery on him that night at ten o’clock.

Football Is a Tough Sport

Little did I know that this same injury kills football players every year. Equipment has become more protective than it was back then. That same year a young ball player in Texas lost his life from a spleen injury. The only reason Joe was able to walk off the practice field was because his main vein and artery were not severed. I believe that the reason he walked off that field is because his guardian angel kept his vein and artery together.

God Is the Only One Good

In a previous post, I confessed my anger with God for allowing my daughter to experience more pain and suffering. This time I wasn’t angry, but questioned why. I thought I was walking the walk, and I was even in church during the time of the injury.

Perhaps I was in the mindset that bad things don’t happen to ‘good’ people. The Bible clearly states otherwise. God is the only One good. Our goodness comes from being washed in the blood of Jesus.

My Way

Through the fear, I still fell short of trusting God as I should. My walk with God was full of just going through the daily routine with me in control. The Bible calls it pride when we do everything our way and have confidence our decisions without seeking His direction. I am not suggesting that my actions or perhaps lack of faith caused Joe’s accident. I do know that everything we have been through as a family has caused me to reflect and learn more about God and my relationship to Him.

God is Faithful

Through the years I have lost count of the many days and nights I have stayed in the hospital with one of my children. God has been so faithful and uplifted me through it all.

Prepare our Hearts


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About Paula Wallace

A child of God, wife, mother and grandmother of 6 precious children. I love art, nature and treasure my dear friends. Through the valleys and mountaintops, God led me to His saving grace at the age of 32. Since then the valleys and mountaintops have proven His love to me. I am learning to trust Him in all things. My prayer is that you, too, accept Jesus as Lord and Savior and trust Him. The Bible verse that I lean on mostly is Proverbs 3: 5-6 “ Trust in the Lord with all your heart. And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your path.”NKJV Paula Wallace

One thought on “Only God is Good

  1. Beth Brown

    Testimonies like these really touch hearts….real life stories which are our personal miracles!! God is good! So thankful God protected your son! God bless!!


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