Author Archives: Yvonne Jones

About Yvonne Jones

I am at heart, a LIFEguard: "big" sister, mama, grandmother, aunt, friend, swimming coach, lifeguard trainer, and registered nurse. I am in the business of alleviating fear through education and lots of hand holding. As a swimming instructor, I have taught people of all ages to overcome fear of the water and I marvel as fear gives way to fearlessness, as panic turns to pure joy, as tears dissolve into giggles of glee, and pennies retrieved from the bottom of the abyss become trophies. As a nurse, I have been privileged to walk up to Heaven's gate as patients and family are welcomed home, witnessed the miracle of birth, helped mend broken hearts, and cared for the elderly as they wait. Scriptures number one admonition is "fear not." Question is HOW??? The Word becomes our swimming instructor and can help us learn to "tread water til Jesus comes." Something my students often thought I was going to make them do! So welcome to my pool! Jump in the cool water. Let it refresh your soul and feel the unseen hands of the Master Lifeguard lift you up and out of the deep water. Who knows, you just might even walk on water!

Time and Attention


Real Love

What am I missing?

Over the last few weeks I have participated in a new online study by Ann Voskamp called Waymaker: Finding the Way to the Life You’ve Dreamed of. It is a study on how to REALLY connect with the Lord in a deep and meaningful way every day. I wonder, do you ever agonize over your prayer time? Do you wonder how to make it a true dialogue? Isn’t that what a relationship is? Shouldn’t it be a two-way conversation giving Him our time and attention? Not just a litany of my needs, wants, wishes, and instructions on how He could make my life free of stress.

Do I look like Jesus

If I am the Bride of Christ, shouldn’t I be more interested in what He cares about? Who He wants to contact through me? Where does he want me to go? This study takes a look at the questions asked by Jesus that holds up a mirror in front of me and begs the question: Do I look like Jesus? Am I a good representative of His Father’s Son? Do I bring honor to the family?

Engagement Period

This has me thinking about the time between now and His Return. Though ancient Jewish culture had no telephones I believe prayer time should resemble the hours I spent on the phone during my dating years just talking, sharing the day, and seeking insight into my beloved’s hopes, dreams, wishes, wants, priorities, purpose, job, friends, family, and pursuits of pleasure. I spent more time listening than talking. How about you? Why did this change later? Because instead of giving time and attention to the one I loved, I became focused on myself. The result? Distance and broken communication. He was talking, I was not listening.

And now, fifteen years later, I would give up everything for just five minutes with him. I would memorize every word.

Listening is Key

My dear friend Sarah recently became engaged! I am so excited for her. I have known Sarah since she was born. Sarah and I became close when she was four years old as she rode to school with me while I was in nursing school. What does this have to do with anything? TIME spent in close proximity. Communication with Sarah required me to PAY ATTENTION! Sarah’s communication with me was silent. I had to look her in the eye, focus on her sweet small hands and be very aware of all that was happening around us in order to understand her. Sarah was using sign language. As Sarah learned to speak, listening was imperative to understand her new vocal language. She was funny, determined, open, vulnerable, and often said, “I love you!”. Nothing has changed!

Nora’s Story

Our foster daughter was also deaf. Her Down’s Syndrome hands complicated her signing but she knew exactly what she was saying and would repeat it until I finally understood. Just because her words were signed and her voice never said a word I comprehended, her voice raised in song was nothing short of beautiful! “Make a joyful noise!” She made an entire church congregation smile and they sang along with her no longer intimidated by what others thought of their singing.


I Look to You, by Selah

Body Language speaks

They say 90% of communication is body language. Jesus must have met everyone with arms open in greeting, a smile, and eyes wide looking directly into the heart. He gave His time and undivided attention to each person. He showed honor for others regardless! The result was a captive audience. They wanted to hear ALL He had to say.


God uses this analogy of a Bride to teach us how He desires us to BE with Him. Open, honest, vulnerable, listening hard to hear and understand, wanting to know His thoughts though they are higher than our thoughts, trusting His ways which are never our ways, and willing to wait as long as it takes for Him to answer.


Pray Without Ceasing

Jesus’ questions are to help us see what He sees. He feels it when we grow distant all too aware of the cause of our turning away from Him: shame, guilt, remorse, anger because He did not meet our expectations. Time and attention are “SACRED,” according to the Waymaker. God’s Word says, “Pray without ceasing.” It is NOT just about healing, provision, reconciliation, finances, and “get me out of this!” Our prayers are mostly just our cries for help and have nothing to do with what is important to Jesus! He wants to move us from enemy territory to the Promised Land and instead of asking Him for the direction we are telling Him how we want it done.

Listening for the trumpet

As the Bride awaits the return of the Bridegroom, let’s practice giving Time and Attention to Him. Time spent listening and giving Him our undivided attention! Let nothing keep you away. IF we are listening we will hear the trumpet sound!


Time, Love, and Tenderness

Hear the lover of your soul sing this over you! He hears your cries, but He wants you to hear Him!

To the sweet soul who taught me to hear God speaking through the radio, I am forever grateful! (I am not conventional!)


Father of all comfort,

I come into Your Presence with hands open wide to receive all you have for me even the hurt and the hard. Lord, I know You are good and give only GOOD gifts. Help me remember You see the end result and I only see the here and now. Help me live a cruciform life as Jesus did. Lord, I look to YOU! Into Your Hands, I commit my life!

Let it be so!


Yvonne Jones