Hey Momma! There Is Promise In Your Hard.
I was 35 years old, in a season of stuck, desiring more for my future, wondering if there was more to my purpose. I felt a shift coming but wasn’t sure what to look for.
“Lord, I just don’t want to flounder your calling”, I remember praying, there has to be more, I feel so stuck….The Lord gave me a word but I was not prepared for it. I feared the calling. Have you ever felt that way?
Over the next 7 years, I would do exactly what I didn’t want to, flounder. I tested the waters and swam back to trust the Lord. Floundered again! All the while, I felt the Holy Spirit giving me what I needed, “trust the process.” So I slowed down and listened then the fear slowly chipped away. The searching and looking came to a crawl as I shifted my eyes to Him.
Reminds me of the scriptures 
In Deuteronomy, Moses is leading the people of Israel to the promised land. Throughout the whole book, he sets the people of Israel up with the standards of God. God wanted them to have something to hold on to as they move closer to the land God promised them. He reminded them not to fear that God was with them. Yet, they feared, they floundered, they tested the waters not sure that his promises would prevail. Joshua sent men ahead to the land to make certain it was accurate. They came back with reassurance and fruit from the land. The people still questioned. God still gave them grace.
Is Jordan River Impossible?
On the last leg of their journey, they came to the Jordan River. It flowed at flood stage and looked impossible to cross. Moses had just passed leadership over to Joshua. Moses reminded the people, “Don’t forget the hard that God brought you through” even when you floundered he was faithful to bring you to this purpose. He urged them to tell their children about God’s faithfulness so they can be assured in their days.
Teaching my children to Trust the Process
It was in that moment of reading the scripture, I had a vision, I was standing on the edge of the Jordan at flood stage with my boys on either side of me. I immediately felt this weight of influence. How would I have responded if I were a mom standing on the edge of the Jordan not sure of the next season? How do I teach them to “Trust the process” and the promise of God?
God’s Faithfulness
The shift in that moment from flounder to complete dependence on God. It was a shift from ME being the vessel of my journey to HIM being the vessel through me. I teach them by showing them my “hard” and by having a reaction of HOPE in the hard. The greatest gift I can pass on to them is the promise of God’s faithfulness even when I have floundered. I was reminded that day that my “hard” isn’t just for me to journey through. It is an influence.
Your Journey
No matter where you are in your journey as a follower of Christ, as a wife or mom, or as a friend. The hard has an influence on your life. God is calling you to trust the process and to shift the vessel of your thinking from self to Him. Use the hard as a testimony of his faithfulness. It will shift your days STUCK to days of HOPE.
Stay Faithful
In Joshua, the people of God who stayed faithful to the journey and trust the process of the journey crossed the Jordan.
They watched God’s faithfulness stop the waters and the people walked across on dry ground.
Keep a Reminder
As a reminder once again, Joshua told the leader of each of the 12 tribes to take a stone from the middle of the Jordan and carry it across as a reminder of God’s promises. Then, he charged them to tell their children and the nations of God’s faithfulness. and promises.
Seasons change Promises Never Change
Seasons will change and the hard will change but HIS PROMISE never changes. Hold on to the cornerstone of your faith. God is faithful in the hard, your children will know your faith by how you respond to the hard. Our influence in the hard will help our children carry the promise of God in their “hard”.
Kristy Lee