“ Sheltered in the arms of love ” 
When one of my grandsons was a baby, he would crawl over to where I was sitting reach up for me to pick him up. This was a sign, “ he wanted to just be held “. Once I wrapped him in my arms, he would snuggle down as close as possible. His little head would turn where his face was against my neck. You would feel him began to breathe deeply and to totally relax. Then, in a short time, his breathing would become slower, and you knew he was fast asleep.
Why was this so important to him? He needed a safe, comforting place where he knew “ love dwelt there “. As those arms enveloped him,
protection covered him, no one could hurt him. ( “ They dare not “ ! ! ! ) In this place, all cares of his little life were removed and placed into another’s hands. Completely trusting his heart and life to someone bigger and capable to taking care of things.
How often, as an adult, I have done the same thing, crawled over to my Father, reached out my arms for Him to pick me up. So many nights, I have cried out,
“ Just hold me “ !!!
With exhaustion and weariness screaming from every part of me, sometimes with my heart broken or grieving over something, I have reached out, knowing “ He was the only safe haven “ for this tired soul. While trusting Him with all my heart, the cares of my life would roll off into His capable hands. His love, His peace, His comfort would fill every fiber of my being.
Never have I been disappointed; He has and is always as close as the mention of His Sweet Name.
The Lord says to us ……….” how often, I have longed to gather your children together, as a mother hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but, you would not let Me “. (Mt. 23:37b)
Growing up on a farm with many chickens, this picture from God’s word was something I saw often and could totally relate to. I have had that Mother hen run at me, if she felt her little chicks were in danger. She sheltered them with her own body, her feathers would seem to swell out as she covered them, becoming their safe harbor from any kind of harm.
Sheltered in those mighty “ arms of love “ becomes our hiding place. There is just no place like our Father’s arms:
“ There is no One like our God, who rides on the heavens to help you and on the clouds in His majesty. The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are His everlasting arms. He will drive out our enemies from before us “. (Deut. 33:27)
This Christmas season, won’t you shelter the Lord Jesus in the loving folds of your heart. Speak comforting and loving words to His heart. Tell Him how precious He is; how faithfully, He has held and renewed you in everyway; how you love Him for always being there.
Hold Him, dearly, as your “ Beloved “, “ Your Cherished One “ ! ! ! As He has held you and I so many times, let us hold Him close to our hearts every moment of the day.
Sheltered in His arms,
Tricia Cook