Category Archives: Book Reviews

Hammock Reading by the Water

run with the horses

In his book, Run with the Horses, Eugene Peterson explores the life of Jeremiah. A quote from Jeremiah 12:5 gives you a glance into the what you find in this book. “If you have raced with men on foot and they have worn you out, how can you compete with horses? If you stumble in safe country, how will you manage in the thickets by the Jordan?” (Jeremiah 12:5 NIV)

Most Christians I know desire to live the abundant life that Jesus promised. But, how do we do that in a world driven by pride, greed, immorality and violence of today’s culture?

Jeremiah’s life was a life of faith lived in a world of rebellion that mirrors our world today.

The Quest for Life At Its Best is a difficult journey. Peterson helps us with insights on Jeremiah, his relationship with God and how his life of faith and obedience intersected with his world .

I think the bible study below is helpful in determining whether you would like to understand better how to live in a post christian era as Jeremiah lived his life in the same rebellious environment.

meal with jesus

Tim Chester’s book, A Meal with Jesus, is a fresh look at hospitality, grace and community. It gives insights to Jesus’ ministry as it relates to food, fellowship and friendship. In Luke 7:34, Jesus is comparing John’s ministry with what the people seeing Jesus doing in ministry. John’s disciples fasted but you “came eating and drinking and you say, ‘Here is a glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners.’”

In a world obsessed with food, we find Jesus used food to meet, disciple and minister to the people. I am always amazed at the freshness of scripture. I found this book to be very revealing and convicting to see how Jesus used an everyday necessity to accomplish grace, community and mission.

Interested in further study of this subject? Check out this study guide.
