Category Archives: Christmas

The Christmas Prophecy


Isaiah 11: 1-4 “There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse and a Branch shall grow out of his roots. The Spirit of the Lord shall rest on him, the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD. His delight is in the fear of the LORD, and He will judge not by the sight of his eyes, nor decide by the hearing of his ears; But with justice he will judge the poor; But with righteousness He shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; He shall strike the earth with the rod of His mouth, and with the breath of His lips He shall slay the wicked.” (KJV)

Isaiah the prophet wrote centuries before the birth of Christ a prophecy of the promised Messiah. He prophesied how he came and included the Baby, the Family, the Dynasty.

The Hebrew word for rod is “choter.” Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance #2415 gives its meaning as “from an unused root of uncertain significance; a twig (a bud that grows).” Jesus will come from the root of Jesse who was the father of King David. David of Bethlehem which was a town of little significance, a shepherd village. It was not a capital city like Jerusalem, a place for a King. Did you know that Jerusalem and Bethlehem are a mere five miles apart? It is a short distance for God from shepherd to king!

This prophecy is fulfilled through Joseph, the earthly “father” of Jesus, who was of the house (family) of David and from the town of Bethlehem. Joseph was unknown except as a poor carpenter: a worker of wood, covered in dust. Joseph accepted the God-given assignment of caring for holy dust.

Jesus took on dust. (Genesis 2:7) He became completely limited by time, space, and a human body–prone to weariness, cuts, bruises, hurt feelings, grief, and the need to learn to eat, speak, talk, walk, read, write, do a job, and most importantly depend on God!

Then, Isaiah tells us all that the Spirit endowed Jesus within this imprisoned state with wisdom, understanding, knowledge, counsel, might, and the fear of the LORD! But wait! Isaiah says Messiah’s delight is in the fear of the LORD. Delight = fear = Does. Not. Compute.

Let’s just bat this concept around as we tread in this murky water.

  1. “fear’ in this context really means awe; wonder
  2. LORD was and is the Father………a loving Father
  3. “fear” (this awe and wonder) comes from knowing or having a relationship
  4. this kind of “fear” is wise, dependent, and necessary

Here is the Aha! or DUH! moment……….it is ddeeeeeligtFUL! Like a fishing trip with Dad, or a walk in the woods, or crawling up in Dad’s lap for a bedtime story, or……………….you get the idea.

Then, Isaiah tells us “the rest of the story” in less than 60 words! Delight in the fear of the LORD–

I would never have put it that way but old Isaiah is a WISE man of few words that are packed with wisdom and understanding, provided to Isaiah by the same Spirit that “rested upon Him.”

Open this Christmas present and DO NOT ever lose it! This same Spirit that rested upon Him (Jesus) and Isaiah is available to YOU!!!!! This is why Jesus came– to prove this very point. He took on flesh and blood just like us. He too was God breathed DUST!! The Spirit that rested upon the Messiah, that gave Isaiah the prophecy of Christ, is the same Spirit that is given to every believer in Jesus Christ! The same wisdom, counsel, understanding, knowledge, might and the fear of the LORD. The same Spirit to judge not by what we see and hear but by the righteousness of Christ, considering the poor, the meek, and by speaking the truth in the LOVE of Christ.

A gift is freely given. It must be accepted or rejected, utilized or shelved, deemed precious or worthless. According to Scripture, Jesus was by human standards a NOBODY. But in the eyes of God His Father, He was “Heaven’s Darling.” Jesus accepted His Father’s gifts given by the Spirit, and He used them and enjoyed (delighted in) them! He offers us these same gifts. What will you do with these treasures? Does the Father see you delight in His gifts? As we approach Christmas, may we not forget that Jesus took on this dust to give the ultimate gift to us: THE GIFT OF SALVATION!

I pray that you will delight in this most priceless gift. It cost Jesus everything!

Treading in these warm waters,


P.S. There is more too this prophecy that is yet to be revealed! It is not over! Do not be discouraged at the state of the world this Christmas……….The Best Is Yet to Be! Jesus will be KING JESUS and we will rule and reign with HIM!

This Baby by Steven Curtis Chapman