Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Using Yesterday

Using Yesterday

“For the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but the wicked stumble in times of calamity.” Proverbs 24:16 (ESV)

New Years Eve is a time for us all to look back at the lessons that we learned, the blessings that came, and a time to reflect on our yesterdays. The past few days, I have looked back at the the things I learned through my failures of 2018. I asked myself many questions but the first one to stick out to me was “How can I use my yesterdays to do things differently where I failed?”

So how can we build on our failures? I certainly do not have all of the answers to this question but one thing I do know is we have to get back up no matter what. Jesus is our biggest cheerleader and he wants us to get back up every single time. Everytime I decided to get back up and build on what I learned, I was that much closer to knowing I could succeed if I just stay the course and ask for guidance and perseverance.

So let’s look back at 2018 and use our “yesterdays” to do things differently and turn our failures into successes. Let’s pray that we do a few things differently and get closer to winning the battles we are all in.

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26 (ESV)

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Tenth Avenue North- The Struggle