Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Say Thank You

Say Thank You

“Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness.” Colossians 2:7 (NLT)

I talk to God so many times during my day. Sometimes I am so busy listing my needs and asking for help, that I forget to say, “thank you Lord.”

Sometimes we all have so much going on in our lives with children, parents, work, and daily struggles that it completely slips our minds to give thanks. Sometimes we might just not feel very thankful. It amazes me in one day what God has to intervene and take care of just in my life.

In the book, “Everyday Holy,” Melanie Swankle writes about what would happen if we were to call our friends up and say, “This is what you can do for me today.” How would that go over? I know my friends would probably stop answering the phone when they saw my name pop up. Are we as quick to acknowledge our blessings as we are to ask for things in prayer? (Everyday Holy)

I have always taught my boys to say thank from a very early age. It is just polite to thank someone when they do something kind for you. I know the feeling in my heart that I get when someone says “thank you” to me. It encourages me and lets me know that I am appreciated.

I learned how valuable to an AT&T representative saying,”thank you for your help,” is to them. Talking to an AT&T representative is my least favorite thing to do in the entire world. It never fails. I always leave with a very sarcastic, “thank you SO MUCH for ALL of your HELP that you DID NOT give me today!” I just have never had a great experience with them. Last week was a different story and I think it had everything to do with two simple words, which my friend says she counted me saying 24 times. Here is the story. I went out of the country and did not get the international package because I understood that if I stayed on the wifi, I would be good. This was not the case. Last Saturday as I was shopping for some things that Jacob needs when he moves out, I got an alert from my AT&T app. I opened the app up and my eyes bugged out. I was looking at a number of over $800. I quickly put the things back that I had intended to buy. All I could see was Nicky Browder’s eyes and hear the words, “Alright, I sure hope we don’t get a crazy bill because that doesn’t sound right.”

After the initial shock and reigning my panic in, I called AT&T. I was so thankful to get a person that I could understand. Iman was his name. After Iman, asked me how I was doing I began my story of explaining my problem. I told Iman that I would gladly take the one time international package of $60 if he could help me out with all the charges. I was very kind and thanked him for trying to help me. He said,”Because you are so kind and you have already thank me, I am going to help you out.”

Don’t forget to say, “thank you,” to someone today and remember to say, “thank you,” to the Lord for all of his blessings.

“Enter his gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name.” Psalm 100:4 (NLT)

Mikeschair  All I Can Do (Thank You)

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder