Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Trusting God with the Unfinished

Trusting God with the Unfinished

When we began this journey with Jacob’s recovery, I read this verse:
“being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” Philippians 1:6

I was certain God would restore Jacob and I, as his mother, would never stop praying for the “finished work.” The comments and looks that I got from people fueled this on an even greater level. There was never a doubt in my mind that Jacob would not be restored. There still isn’t. We see the process continuing everyday. I was so willing to completely give it to God and trust him with the “unfinished.” This was my hope.

Something so different happened to me. I can tell you all day long what I believe about healing and other things, but it was like someone firmly took me by the shoulders, shook the doubt and worries out of me, and gave me such a different feeling. As long as I live, I will never forget what I was taught on the 7th floor at Children’s hospital. I was taught to trust God with the unfinished work and very long road that I saw before me.

In the middle of the “unfinished” in your life, always remember to faithfully trust God because he is the cornerstone. God always finishes what he starts.

Counting My Blessing,

Susan Browder