Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Experiences that guided me pictures


Experiences That Guide Me

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.”  2 Timothy 3:16-17 (ESV)

A former pastor of mine, Brother Grant Parker, had something he said to me and others every single time we left his presence.  He would say, “Keep your hand in Jesus’ hand and your eyes on the cross.”  This is a quote that I think of almost everyday.

I will never forget where we started on the road to recovery with Jacob.  It was like looking at a hallway and not being about to see the end.   I use all of my experiences and the knowledge I have gained to guide me in my life today.  My experiences have grown me spiritually and none of them have been squandered.  All of them are used for a purpose now.  

I have also learned the way I respond to the moments and difficult days makes a dramatic difference.  There have been many days I thought we wouldn’t make it.  Building the kind of faith I have now keeps me going and reminds me not to worry and stress myself out.   I know God has equipped me. I know I have a more productive life today because of the experiences we all went through.  These experiences felt impossible at the time, but it is so cool to see how God has used the experiences to guide me.  God calls us to serve others and Him with our talents He has given us.  I am not good at a great number of things, but I am well versed in using good or bad experiences to guide me.  I feel like God has gifted me in this to help others who are going through life and looking down the hallway, not being able to see the end.  By the way, the end of the hallway looks like this.  



Counting My Blessings,


Susan Browder