Category Archives: Faith over Fear

The Wagon Lady

The Wagon Lady

“Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered.” Proverbs 11:25 (ESV)

About 12 years ago in July, my family and I were on the way to my older son, Nick’s baseball game at Northside.  On the way we passed a dollar general, so we pulled in to get some snacks.  As I am reaching for my purse, I just happen to glance at my younger son, Jacob, who was 6.  He had the saddest and strangest look on his face. So I said, “Jacob,what are you thinking about.”  As he turned back to look at me and to answer me, his face looked heartbroken.

There was a lady in the parking lot that was leaning over an artesian well wetting her hair and body.  She also had a red wagon full of things.  Jacob asked me these questions.  “Mama, what is that lady doing?”  “Why does she have a wagon and not a car?”  “Where is her family?” “Why is she bathing and drinking in the water.”  These were tough questions to explain to a six year old. I explained to him that some people are homeless, some lose their job which causes them to lose their families and their home. There are many reasons why there are people like this lady.  Jacob got really torn up at all of the information that I was laying on him.  Then his eyes changed and they lit up! Next, I heard the most precious thing, “Mama, let’s go in and buy the wagon lady some things.”  Jacob stacked the buggy with the following items: pillow, blanket, cool ranch Doritos, gum, sprites, socks, toothpaste, and a toothbrush.”

After we paid the cashier, I headed outside with my bright eyed and excited six year old only to discover that the wagon lady was gone… The next thing that came out of my mouth was, “hurry up, she can’t be far, we will find her.” After a few minutes of searching, we had to leave to get to Nick’s game.  On the way home, we looked again near the Dollar General.  No luck…

This memory has always stuck with Jacob and he often asked, “I wonder if the wagon lady is okay and I wonder if she ever found her family?” He put the wagon lady in his prayers for months. This was a day that impacted my boys.  It was Jacob’s first experience of realizing that some people do not have a lot.  His heart showed compassion and he learned what it felt like to share what you have with others.

Give, and it will be given to you. Good measure, pressed down, shaken together, running over, will be put into your lap. For with the measure you use it will be measured back to you.” Luke 6:38 (ESV)

Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder

Jeremy Camp- Christ in Me