Category Archives: Faith over Fear

Placed in Our Path



Placed In Our Path

by Susan Browder

“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9


In August of 2015, God placed the most knowledgeable and kind hearted doctor in our lives. Dr. Kelvie Culpepper and her sister, Kalena Wells have an amazing practice in Poplarville, MS. I originally took Jacob to see her to align his spine so that he could stand up straight and not look crooked. I had no idea that she had researched his case and put a plan together for coordination, balance, strength, and apps to strengthen Jacob’s mind. So as we left the clinic, I no longer felt so overwhelmed. We had someone telling Jacob to not stop and that he will get much better and to stick with the plan.

Poplarville is about 3 hours away, but it was always worth the trip. Every treatment showed progress. Kelvie talked Jacob into many things over the past 2 years. Kelvie recommended yogo, crossfit, brain training, gait training, hyperbaric chamber, and medicines to take for the brain.
Kelvie taught Jacob many things, but the most important one in my opinion was when someone tells you “you can’t” turn around and say “WATCH ME!” She was exactly what Jacob needed to continue his recovery. One of my favorite things that Kelvie ever said to Jacob was something he needed desperately to hear. He told Kelvie that he was so tired of working so hard and so long to get his life back. That is when she quoted Galations 6:9 to him.

God has placed some amazing people in Jacob’s path. Kelvie, Kalena, and their team are most definitely on this list. When we were told to go home and give it time, Kelvie said, “absolutely not.” She is part of our success story. I am so thankful that God lays out our plans and is our deliverer.

“Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.” Proverbs 16:

Counting My Blessings,
Susan Browder

You’re My Deliverer  Matt Maher