Category Archives: Faith over Fear

The SAME POWER Put Him Back in His Boots


“The SAME POWER Put Him Back In His Boots” by Susan Browder

“The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you.”  Romans 8:11


One of Jacob’s goals back in the spring of 2015 was to walk normally.  He was tired of sticking out and getting the looks.  We went back to Children’s Hospital to see an orthopedic surgeon.  He recommended cutting Jacobs tendons and stretching his muscles.  We returned home and discussed what a big surgery this would be, the recovery time, and prayed.  During the next few months, Jacob continued to work hard and improved.  A few months later, one week away from the surgery, we went back for the pre-op visit. Jacob’s orthopedic surgeon did some test on him and made him do his famous “hallway walk” that he was so accustomed to doing.  The doctor was very quiet for a moment.  He called in another doctor and asked Jacob to do the “hallway walk” again.  We all came back in the room and we were told that the doctors no longer saw the problems with Jacob’s feet and legs.  They were stunned at the progress that had been made in three months and said, “I don’t believe he will need this surgery.”  

When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.”  Psalm 56:3

So then a casting process was suggested.  This would lengthen the muscles and give Jacob the smooth gate that he wanted.  So as we began the first casting, I had no idea how difficult it would be for Jacob to get around.  His feet were casted at a 90 degree angle. The foot of the cast was rounded which made it very difficult to walk especially for someone who is not 100 percent good with their balance.  Jacob fell several times but finally he got the hang of walking with both legs casted.  After a few days, Jacob started to complain about discomfort. Each day he complained worse.  We gave him the “suck it up” speech and told him it was normal.  Finally after a few more days, we decided to take him back to Children’s.  As the casts were taken off, the nurses were wide eyed and speechless.  The person that casted Jacob forgot to wrap his legs with gauze!! Not to mention the Jacob was supposed to be double wrapped because of the spasticity in his muscles.  He was covered in blisters and we had to take a week off of casting for healing.  Every week we would return to Birmingham to get casted again and the degree would change and Jacob would get an even bigger stretch. This was done over a period of two months.  At the end of the summer, the day finally came for Jacob to get the casts off and get back in his boots!  As I watched him slide his boots on that he had not put on for almost three months, my heart was so full seeing his face.  Anyone that knows Jacob well, knows that when you see him, he is always in his boots, even at the beach.

After sliding on his boots, the doctors pointed to the hallway for Jacob’s last “hallway walk.”  As you watch the video below, you will see the casting process worked perfectly.  Continuing to trust God with Jacob’s injury has made all the difference.  The same power that rose the dead, the same power that calmed the sea, the same power that moves mountains lives in us.  I know that God has some amazing things in store for Jacob.  

“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.” 1 Timothy 1:7


Same Power by Jeremy Camp


Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder