Category Archives: Faith over Fear

God’s Timing is the Best



God’s Timing Is the Best by Susan Browder

He said to them, “It is not for you to know times or seasons that the Father has fixed by his own authority.” Acts 1:7

Everyone has been stunned by Jacob’s progress.  What seems like such a slow process for us, doctors, Physical Therapist, Occupational Therapist, and countless others are at a loss for words.  Most TBI’s sit on the couch.  Jacob goes almost all day long.  


Pop, my dad, is one of a kind.  My sons always say, “There’s nobody like POP!”  When you are around Pop, you are never hungry or lack for entertainment.  If someone followed my dad around with a camera on a daily basis, we could have our on TV show.  Jacob loves his Pop.  





My husband, Nicky, my dad, Richard or Pop, and my son, Nick were all eager to get Jacob back to his love of hunting.  Two months after Jacob’s injury, he was hunting with all three of them using a crossbow.  He killed a deer and was all smiles.  


This gave Jacob a lot of confidence and he still had something in him that he still loved to do that his injury didn’t take from him.  He did this with blurred and double vision.  We saw an ophthalmologist a few weeks later.  He felt like his could correct the double vision by loosening a muscle in the left eye.  After two surgeries, Jacob’s vision was as successful as it could be.  This did not give him perfect vision.  It did give him perfect vision looking straight ahead, but looking up, down, and to the sides, Jacob still had double vision.  The doctor recommended he learn to tilt his head up, down, or side to side when he needed to look those ways.  


“For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.”  Ecclesiastes 3:1

As we all took things day by day, we remained calm and continued to see God’s activity.  At this time, Jacob is really close to walking independently. Mrs. Mary Ann continues to push him at Genesis Rehab.  He is working so hard and aGod's Timingt the same time realizes how far he has to go.  His personality is in full swing too!  He kept us laughing a lot during this time.  Even though we do not see the same Jacob, we know he is slowly coming back.  The doctors at Children’s hospital continue to tell us that his humor and personality are a very good sign that he will do well.  It is not normal to have your personality much less humor when you have a TBI.  We continue to pray for coordination, balance, his right side to improve, short term memory, and comprehension.  He has worked hard every day to remember all of his passwords to all of his social media accounts.  One day sitting on the couch, he yells out “tiger nation ____!”  We run in to see what is going on.  He looks at us and said, “I finally remembered my password!”  




Counting My Blessings,

Susan Browder




Healer  Kari Jobe